Tbh, I'm personally much more into music for relaxing - chill music is really good in that regard. Favorite chill albums so far:
Thaehan - Find Yourself. I'm often trying to find new chill music, and sometimes end up finding such randomly: for example I liked a lot
the ost of The Friends of Ringo Ishikawa and I'm currently listening to more music fom the artists featured there.
Btw, Ringo Ishikawa, along with Shenmue, could be good games to relax to - if only the fighting aspect was toned down and an infinite mode was a thing...
In regards for games to relax to, I don't have that many, because I'm not looking to relax when playing, but be entertained. On the other hand, there are times when I don't want to play action-heavy games (because some sorts of action can be stressing - for this reason, I hardly play any shooters, and when playing melee action games find myself needing a break from them and playing something else instead) and prefer something with a more relaxed tone. I don't want something devoid of gameplay or almost however: I tried to play Shelter recently and got bored quickly, so ended up watching the rest on Youtube.
At any rate, I'm currently playing Waking Mars and The Friends of Ringo Ishikawa. The former is more like a puzzle and exploration game; the only violence there is the one that lifeforms of Mars will attempt to inflict on the character (which can presumably be toned down by playing on Casual - I'm personally playing on Normal). The latter is like Shenmue meets River City Ransom (I think at least - I've played the former but not the latter): I like following the routine and school life of Ringo, but I just started it (still on the first week, on Friday) so I don't know how it will go - hopefully I'll be able to do the stuff I want and not be forced by the plot to do too much fighting.
As for a game that I'm playing on a regular basis because I find it relaxing, that's
Tomodachi Life for me. I love Miis so much (they are so cute!) and thus can't get enough of watching my lookalike and the other inhabitants of my island do stuff and interacting with them in their rooms. I also played
Miitopia for a while (which again has Miis), but stopped playing it eventually (I did beat it though) because I got bored of the RPG portion of the game.
Serren: Solitaire.
I also have this specific app on my phone - mainly because it's Android 4.0, and thus not compatible with most other solitaire games. However, the only time I play it is when I'm bored (in a long line or a waiting room or something like that, which hasn't happened lately). In general, I might play Solitaire on my pc, if I feel too brain-dead to play other stuff - it also combines well with chill music.