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bler144: Diablo II (just base game, not LOD)
KingofGnG: No no no, that's NOT how this works. You MUST install the LOD expansion before starting a new Diablo II character. Really: many years ago I tried both experiences (with and without LOD) and the game works at its best only with the expansion...
It is the most critical add on I have ever seen.

Yes, you can play without the two added characters, but it has all the character specific gear, like the heads, jawbone caps, etc.

I don't know how you could beat the game using the Necromancer without some of that stuff.
Zwei: The Ilward Insurrection. I even have it installed and configured, but nowadays something always prevent me from playing - instead I end up wasting my time in some cazul timekillers.

Probably I need to start a spreadsheet with everything I've ever played - similar to how Im already dealing with japanese animation. If only there was a site, similar to vndb/myanimelist/imdb, but for games...
Post edited June 01, 2019 by Gekko_Dekko

i recently picked up from Steam for $4.99
EraztheRogue: If you need help picking one out to finish completely, I'd say Stardew Valley, partially because I'm playing it myself with a friend and because the developer is adding some new stuff soon as far as I know.
bler144: That one I find a bit tricky, in part because the goals aren't entirely clear, so it's hard to tell if I'm on or off track, even after watching a few videos and restarting multiple times. So even after about 10 hours, the farthest I've gotten is like 1 month in.

I'd started to think there was no "track" at all, perhaps, but if it can be "finished" then I'm not sure.

My child took a hankering to it, so it's also kinda become the game we experiment with together for now.

So I'll probably keep chipping away at it intermittently together, at least until the green light comes on, rather than having it be a full-time focus for just me.

But it's certainly possible I'm just missing some key piece of the puzzle.
I'm actually surprised to hear about this in some respects, but I do see where the feeling of not being able to establish a goal or track in some points of the game can stem from, for example during the winter when you've got no real farm to tend to.

I'd say the overall concrete goals of the game, at least in my opinion, are to try and finish each of the major "things" presented to you throughout, such as the collections of items in the old town hall and getting to the bottom of the mine. I wouldn't consider pursuing a relationship/friendship with any of the townspeople or to get a certain size farm to be a concrete goals per se, but I'd still say they're worth doing as a side endeavor while completing the concrete goals.

I should probably also note that it isn't required to complete any of these concrete goals, just that they're major areas of measurable progress you can make, and you'll reach a conclusion to the game regardless of what you choose to do as far as I know.

I hope this explanation helps a little, but if you had some other more specific questions about the game I could try answering them.
EraztheRogue: I hope this explanation helps a little, but if you had some other more specific questions about the game I could try answering them.
I appreciate it, thanks!
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, got it from Steam a few months back and just finished Mafia 3 and feel like something a bit different.
bler144: Diablo II (just base game, not LOD)
KingofGnG: No no no, that's NOT how this works. You MUST install the LOD expansion before starting a new Diablo II character. Really: many years ago I tried both experiences (with and without LOD) and the game works at its best only with the expansion...
I didn't have $20 to spend on games last month. And back in they day I would have played it through - I've tried but I can't recall if I had LOD or not.

So I do appreciate that I'm not getting the <ultimate> Diablo experience, but I'm enjoying it nonetheless, and if I kept waiting til I had the $20 set aside to buy both, it probably would be into 2020.


tinyE: I don't know how you could beat the game using the Necromancer without some of that stuff.
Challenge accepted!

But seriously, so far I'm primarily just alternating Sorceress and Paladin anyway.
Post edited June 01, 2019 by bler144
KingofGnG: No no no, that's NOT how this works. You MUST install the LOD expansion before starting a new Diablo II character. Really: many years ago I tried both experiences (with and without LOD) and the game works at its best only with the expansion...
bler144: I didn't have $20 to spend on games last month. And back in they day I would have played it through - I've tried but I can't recall if I had LOD or not.

So I do appreciate that I'm not getting the <ultimate> Diablo experience, but I'm enjoying it nonetheless, and if I kept waiting til I had the $20 set aside to buy both, it probably would be into 2020.


tinyE: I don't know how you could beat the game using the Necromancer without some of that stuff.
bler144: Challenge accepted!

But seriously, so far I'm primarily just alternating Sorceress and Paladin anyway.
IMO Paladin is the ultimate MP character but kind of boring in SP.
The Sorceress on the other hand. She is the only character I ever killed Diablo with without dying or having to go back to town to load up with stuff and repair. When done right she is the supreme ass kicker
bler144: I didn't have $20 to spend on games last month. And back in they day I would have played it through - I've tried but I can't recall if I had LOD or not.

So I do appreciate that I'm not getting the <ultimate> Diablo experience, but I'm enjoying it nonetheless, and if I kept waiting til I had the $20 set aside to buy both, it probably would be into 2020.
Without the expansion you don't get:
- 2 new classes
- the Runeword system for making rune-based equip
- a completely new Act (V) that concludes the story
- Class-specific items
- an additional resolution (800x600).

Really, Diablo II without LOD isn't just "basic". It's unplayable at this point. You should just wait before getting the expansion.
bler144: I didn't have $20 to spend on games last month.
Huh. Recall seeing it in readily stores, meaning hypermarkets even, for smth like $5 even in recent years, but a quick search now doesn't turn it up in major stores anymore, and cheapest in a gaming store is the equivalent of about $15 for the boxed package. See a digital key for 11.09 EUR.

Still consider it one of the worst games I ever played. (I played it in... 2008 I see.) As for not dying, ha, remember all the deaths in that final battle with Baal, had to die to hit him basically, unless I just went for it suicidally I couldn't even get close, so just a few hits, die, recover stuff, resurrect companion, get back, lucky I hoarded all gold... and even so was just about to run out, think it was the last time I could recover everything actually, when I won. Blah. Was just smth I struggled out of sheer stubbornness.

Oh yah, played a sorceress of course.
Post edited June 01, 2019 by Cavalary
I figured since it's been about two weeks I'd do a follow up post. I finished off Mirror's Edge, a game that wasn't on my backlog but one I'd been wanting to replay for a while again. I've also started playing Dino Crisis recently, a survival horror game I've been meaning to play for a while.

Here's an additional question; how do you stop replaying games and instead play new ones from your backlog?
EraztheRogue: Here's an additional question; how do you stop replaying games and instead play new ones from your backlog?
Easy: I never replay games (not since the 90s at least, bar the several starts of Arcanum back in 2002-2003, but never managed to finish it, most of the time didn't get particularly far actually, kept trying to get all companions at just the right time mostly, and the fact that after struggling with a game of Civilization 4 in 2005 on a computer that could barely handle it with long waits I installed again for one more game some years later on a better computer). Don't reread books either.
Hmhj once again I furget to post in this thread before I actually start playing (or reading).

Following Fairy Bell, I decided to go with The Expression Amrilato. So far it does not disappoint.

This is one of these rare titles that might get a 4/5 or even 5/5 from me.. most of my ratings are between 1/5 and 3/5, and I'm not sure I've given a 5/5 yet.
Post edited June 17, 2019 by clarry
I'm seriously considering buying Fallout 76 on PS4 to see if the game is as awful as everyone says. It's already down to 20 bucks on sale but I can't decide if I should just not reward Bethesda for a shoddy product.
thomq: i've yet to actually complete Uplink: Hacker Elite, and I really like it's atmosphere
The problem with Uplink is that it isn't prepared to scale to bigger resolutions. If you happen to have a decently-sized monitor you'll have problems playing it because the font gets so small it is frustrating.

Uplink is in my backlog too. I'm keeping it there until I set up a virtual machine I'm planning on that will have a lower resolution among other things.