Orkhepaj: Do you think they can measure well someone's intelligence?
I think not. Cause they dont use real life problems to solve.
Here is one test:
A quick one
wonder how much you can answer correctly from 33
I agree, but than again you are talking about early psychologist's, even now most of psychology is garbage. Like 70 percent of it isn't even empirically proven, or peer proven. It's is just garbage used by self appointed people to make them selves more powerful. It is more like a religion than a science, especially when you start talking to its followers. Some of it that can be backed up with science is real, but most of that is neuroscience not psychology.
The same people who think a IQ test has meaning, also think spelling in a chat room equals a measure of intelligence. The people that live on that untainted isle that is protected by the government, would score 0 on those tests, but they are 100 percent just intelligent as we are, they just lack the combined knowledge of the last 6000 + years, like we do. Also it gives the wrong impression on what intelligence is, another example is if a alien race with equal to our intelligence took it, they would also score 0 on it.
The only way to have a gauge of intelligence, would be with brain scans and un tainted by human garbage testing, that cant be altered by human bias. If you cant prove it with actual science to me its garbage, and most of psychology is garbage, and yes they know it is garbage. Especially when you bring in how most of them used it to make them selves extremely wealthy and powerful, just like a church does. The only science of the human mind that is real is neuro science, if it isnt backed by brain scans, or can be proven with a physical testing it prolly isnt true. So a test created by a bias Frenchman 100 years ago isnt worth anything, or anything after it based on the same concepts.
A easier way to put it is this, a doctor does not just ask you question if you have a broken leg, they use physical tests to prove it. If actual doctors practiced medicine like pseudo science psychology people, you could be diagnosed with a broken leg by talking to the doctor.