What do I like about Steam:
Overall, I actually do not like Steam.
But some things about Steam I am pseudo-coerced into liking simply because there is no other option, namely:
- Steam has almost all high-quality premium games on offer for sale, whereas GOG usually releases, at most, 6 - 10 high-quality premium games per yer, and no more than that.
And aside from those releases, GOG is almost always under a massive drought, wherein they are only releasing low-quality indie games, and a few mid-quality AA games, during those periods, with those periods being most of the time.
- Steam has functional & viable multiplayer, whereas GOG does not. Galaxy-only multiplayer is a Ghost Town that makes multiplayer-based games never worth buying on GOG unless they have Crossplay with Steam, which 99.9%+ of the time, they do not.
- Steam games are almost always fully-featured with 100% of their content intact, whereas the GOG versions of those same games are frequently stripped-down and have content butchered out of them, i.e. multiplayer, Achievements, online coop (some GOG games maintain multiplayer but it is "local coop" only whereas Steam has online coop), missing updates (often which remain missing forever on GOG), missing DLCs, missing soundtracks, etc.
- Many high quality games are simply never going come to GOG, most likely, so the only choice is to buy them on Steam (or other stores) or else never to experience them at any point in one's life-time, i.e. Dark Souls 1-3, Elden Ring, Red Dead Redemption 2, etc.
- The few times when high-quality games do come to GOG, it is almost always many years after their original release date, only after they have become old & stale and obsolete, and so GOG customers don't get to experience those games while they are new and fresh and while the communities behind those games are at their highest points.
What do I like about GOG:
- the games are DRM-free (sometimes, but not always), they offer offline back installers (sometimes, for some of the games' content, but not always and not for all of every GOG game's content) and they go on sale for quite cheap most of the time.
- Galaxy 1.2.67 is a very good client software (although I hate all later versions, and I'm going to be really mad if & when GOG ever disables the good version).
Other than that, there are not many other things that I like about GOG.