BlueMooner: For me, I probably spend about 95% of the time on youtube, maybe 4% on porn/erotica, and the occasional 1% on miscellaneous things, like gvmt or business forms. How do you usually spend your time online?
It is unclear if you count also e.g. online gaming, social media apps on phones, even Netflix etc., but from my point of view:
By the used time, probably this:
1. A couple of Finnish discussion forums talking about e.g. electric cars and politics.
2. Youtube.
3. Playing Team Fortress 2 (an online shooter on Steam).
4. GOG forums.
Somehow I just have some... resistance... to spend time on social media apps like Facebook, Whatsapp and what have you. I simply prefer web browser discussion forums (including GOG forums) for various reasons:
1. Privacy. When I am debating with pro-palestinians (I am more pro-Israel) online, I wouldn't dare to do it with my own name because I don't wish to be targeted by the islamists and leftists, or lose my job because some idiot wants to cancel me.
Also, I don't like the idea of anyone being able to find some 15 year old opinions from me by mere googling. Already a long time ago one date went sour when the other party had googled my name and felt she didn't like something I had said in some online discussion many many years before (it was some heated gaming debate about Quake, LOL!). Or if I apply for a job but the would-be boss finds out I vote for a different party or support the opposing ice hockey team, and I don't get the job because of that.
Note: I don't actually know how easy it is to be "incognito" with social media apps, but my understanding is that many of them require you to use your real name, and even if you didn't, they can still probably easily find it out, due to your phone number and shit.
Also, if you use your own name, people are not equal because some have names like John Smith that can't be traced to certain person, while others have more special names like Cockeye Pearlcatcher which identifies the person quite strongly.
"No no, it was not me who wrote that! It was some other bloke called Cockeye Pearlcatcher!"
2. Many social media apps seem to be built on the idea of closed groups with friends etc. (Facebook, Whatsapp etc.), and I just don't find such limited discussion groups interesting. I am in a couple of Whatsapp groups and I have "friends" in Facebook and LinkedIn, but those discussions are so boooooooooriiiiing, someone showing a photo of the pizza he just ate, or my sister taking YET ANOTHER photo of some sunset. Blech.
3. The social media apps seem to more and more concentrate on phones. I hate being online with my phone, writing long messages with my fat fingers and trying to read tiny text on a small mobile phone screen. No thanks.
It is too bad that many discussion groups etc. have moved to social media apps, like when I was looking for specific discussion groups about certain electric cars (Tesla included), I got lots of recommendations to join some closed Facebook groups where you first have to apply, discuss with your real name etc.