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The word “game” can have more than one meaning. It can describe sports, it can describe video games, but there's one thing it can't describe, and I bet you know what that thing is.
Call me old school, but I still call them games.
I don't think that's what you wanted to ask though.
Lemon curry?
The video was fine until it hit the "Dear Esther" debacle.

I don't even like the game but this "hurr durr it's not a game" it's complete rubbish.
What do we call spammers these days?
Starmaker: What do we call spammers these days?
He just keeps creating a new topic every single topic he has a new video. >_<
omega64: He just keeps creating a new topic every single topic he has a new video. >_<
Because it's another subject...
Starmaker: What do we call spammers these days?
Ohhh because i want to see interesting discussions, i'm a spammer...facepalm...

Look here:

See "interesting discussions"
Starmaker: What do we call spammers these days?
omega64: He just keeps creating a new topic every single topic he has a new video. >_<
so the linked video is created by the op user?
This went downhill fast. :P

Who wants brie?
omega64: He just keeps creating a new topic every single topic he has a new video. >_<
free999enigma: Because it's another subject...
Starmaker: What do we call spammers these days?
free999enigma: Ohhh because i want to see interesting discussions, i'm a spammer...facepalm...

Look here:

See "interesting discussions"
For me personally, I'm not against you posting here with links to your videos per se, but the least you could do is disclose that you're the one who's actually making the videos.

Alternately, if I'm wrong and you're not actually the person making these (or if you're not personally connected to the person who is), then post a link with something more besides, "Is (insert gaming issue here) really controversial? Find out in this video!" Say what your opinion is of the video, if you agree/disagree, and why you think everyone else here should watch it.

Otherwise, it really does come across (to me at any rate) as someone trying to spam the forum in an effort to get more views for their videos/someone else's channel.
Good time wasters?
That which we call a game, by any other name would play as good. :P