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Broken Sword 3 is a fine game... Maybe second best in the series! I enjoyed the crate-shifting puzzles that everybody else seemed to hate - they were just the right difficulty for me.

Dreamfall Chapters is a worthy conclusion to the Longest Journey trilogy. It felt suitably epic, and suitably climactic. The little vignettes with the girl as she grows up are probably the best written and executed in all three games. Can't understand the hate.
Post edited January 28, 2019 by servobeupstry
MoO2 is nowhere near as fun as its predecessor. A case of More is Less.
Witcher is a horrible game.
Jack Keane 2 is NOT the best game sold here!

Oh yeah! Now it's on!
Post edited January 28, 2019 by tinyE
tinyE: Jack Keane 2 is NOT the best game sold here!
But maybe it IS the best game that is not selling here? ;) *wink, wink*
Seem to recall another similar topic once, and I believe I said the same thing then too:

Right off the top of my head, HoMM4 is what a HoMM game should actually be like, and System Shock 2 and Fallout 2 really rubbed me the wrong way (didn't really play the first ones, just started and said no way). Not sure if adding that Two Worlds offers a nice feeling of exploration counts.

Other than that, I really fail to see the appeal of typical ARPGs, starting with the Diablos. With a decent world and nice events in it, like Divine Divinity, sure, that was nice, but if it's just the clickfest, no thank you.

More general, probably not unpopular but restrictions on saving suck, and so do time/turn limits.
Post edited January 28, 2019 by Cavalary
low rated
Here are some of mine:
* Final Fantasy 7 is a bad game. (Most people who dislike FF7 seem to claim it's at least decent, but I actually think it doesn't even reach that level.)
* Final Fantasy 5 is, by far, the best game in the series.
* More games should adopt something like Final Fantasy 2's growth system.
* Dragon Quest 8 is one of the weaker entries of its series. In fact, Romancing SaGa: Minstrel Song (which was released in the US around the same time) is a better game, even with its significant flaws.
* Dragon Quest 5 isn't as good as Dragon Quest 6. (I note that, when viewed from a feminist perspective, DQ5 is significantly worse than DQ4.)
* For RPGs, random invisible encounters are preferable to visible enemies that move in real-time.
* RPGs would be better if they got rid of story and cutscenes and just focused on the gameplay.
* Games like Secret of Mana aren't RPGs and shouldn't be labeled as such. (That doesn't mean they're bad games; I enjoyed Secret of Mana very much, it just isn't an RPG.)
* Action minigames do not belong in RPGs. (Obvious offenders include Final Fantasy 7 and Super Mario RPG, but there's also Ultima 1 and Wizardry 8.) Among other issues, they hurt the game's accessibility.
* Accessibility is important; games should strive to be as accessible as possible without compromising their core gameplay. (I note that even a game like Dr. Mario could be made more accessible simply by putting patterns on the pills and viruses so that color isn't the only thing distinguishing them, for example.)
* Death should not be harshly punished; in fact, I think death should maybe even be rewarded in some cases. Permadeath should have stayed dead.
* In RPGs, non-tactical combat is preferable to tactical combat. (Assuming turn-based in both cases.)
* Real time with pause combat is the worst of both worlds; it lacks the rhythm of turn based and the fluidity of real times.

Edit: Later I may go through this thread and reply to some of the points, like some I actually agree with, and some that could use some clarification.
Post edited January 28, 2019 by dtgreene
Illusion's games are of surprising depth. The consensual ones, at least.
HereForTheBeer: MoO2 is nowhere near as fun as its predecessor. A case of More is Less.
This. Along with the fact there has yet to be a 4X game made that is superior to the original MoO.

The Mass Effect games are boring as hell. I got them because everyone raved about how they were the penultimate Sci-Fi games out there. One of my biggest gaming dissapointments.

And to go the opposite direction as some of you, NEW games suck. I'm pretty sure the aformentioned Mass Effect games are the newest AAA games I ever purchased and I bought them as a bundle long after they were released. The only new games I like are the new games that try to be NES/SNES/GENESIS games.

Although I do like Endless Legend... but it's one of the few outliers.
Post edited January 28, 2019 by wyrenn
Cool idea for a discussion/rant :)


I don't know whether unpopular or not, but okay I'll voice some of thems.

Witcher 3 was a disappointment. Not crap by any means, just worse than the others. Two Worlds was better than W3.
The best Fallout was the first. The sequel was still good but not a true classic so much. Third one gave yawns by the time I got into the open-world part, never finished it. The fourth I just don't even care.

The best RPG of all time, better than Baldur's Gates or Planescape Torment or Morrowind, is Divinity Original Sin II. And the first one is the second best.
I played through the others aside Morrowind which was too boring after 100 hours or so and BG2 expansion which is great but too gloomy.
Larian makes only great RPGs except maybe Beyond Divinity.
Phantom Doctrine ia great, a classic.
Copper Dreams will be a better cyberpunk RPG than Cyberpunk 2077 ;)

Ah I feel so much better lol ;)
Post edited January 28, 2019 by superstande
tinyE: I hate the System Shock games.
That sounds like a statement of fact instead of opinion :)
Ikaruga is overrated trial-and-error memorization garbage, as are most bullet hell shooters. Nice soundtrack though.

RTS are a loathsome bastardization of the strategy genre. There is zero reason to rush the player's decisions like that when you could go turn-based. RTS as an esport are downright comical with the APM stuff. That's what a strategy game should play like, right? Mashing LMB 300 times a minute?
I got really bored playing Baldur's Gate.
I find most indie games disappointing.
low rated
Darvond: I don't get how anyone enjoys Ultima 7 when it looks like all the game elements are about to fall offscreen.
I didn't like Ultima 7 either, but for different reasons, mainly the fact that you have basically no control over combat and that you have to manually feed your characters.
AFnord: The Legend of Zelda (NES) and Zelda Occarina Of Time were among the weaker parts of the series (obviously excluding the CD-I ones)
Ocarina of Time suffered from having mandatory stealth sections.

For the original Zelda, I actually prefer the second quest to the first.

My unpopular Zelda opinion? Link's Awakening wasn't as good as its predecessors; the game is too linear (barring major glitches) and you have to do too much work to enter the dungeons, plus the puzzles were too hard (and some too obscure, like the one where you have to kill enemies in a certain order) and the combat too easy.
DadJoke007: Zelda II: The Adventure of Link is the best game in the Zelda series.
I actually agree with this one, even if it is more linear than either 1 or 3.

Sabin_Stargem: #2: VNs, Walking Simulators, and H-Games all are legitimate games and worthy of recognition.
Don't forget idle clickers! (I had a lot of fun with Cookie Clicker.)
Post edited January 28, 2019 by dtgreene
low rated
Sabin_Stargem: #4: Old games suck, newer games suck less. Games do not age like fine wine.
toxicTom: Well, wine tends to go sour too. Old games are both of historical value and childhood memory for many. Also some old games (not all) actually are bloody good fun, once you managed to look past the wrinkles. That said, arcade games with no checkpoints or huge RPGs without automapping are hard to stomach nowadays. As is trial-and-error(=die) gameplay (Sierra, I'm looking at you...)
Not all RPGs need automapping. Most Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy games have no automapping outside the world map, but getting lost is not an issue. Phantasy Star 4 also did fine without any automap.

Also, I disagree about trial-and-error gameplay being bad. If it's done well, and if checkpoints are frequent and quick to reload from, it can actually be quite fun, especially if the "error" aspect is made funny. (The funny deaths are one reason I like Syoban Action, for example.)

That brings up another thing: It is worth preserving old demos and versions of games. What if I want to experience Skyrim version 1.2 myself? (That particular version is notable for having significant bugs not found in other versions, like elemental resistance not working (time to burn up some Flame Atronachs) and dragons flying backwards.)

Amelia.R: - It's ok to save often xD.
I'm surprised that you consider this opinion to be unpopular. To me, saving frequently is just good practice. (I have thought about, if I actually make a decent length game, of explicitly punishing the player for not saving often enough.)

Amelia.R: And most importantly! It's ok to enjoy games any way you want! Sometimes, it feels like an unpopular opinion, among all the people that like to criticize those who like speedruns, those who love to collect achievements, those who watch other people play or those who use cheats to give their Sims those sweet simoleons §§! Come on, my sims deserve a better life than me!
toxicTom: ^This.
But is this really a minority opinion? I think the nay-sayers and "true scotsman" fanatics are just a lot more vocal than the majority who simply enjoy their games the way they like them - how it should be.
It seems that toxic masculinity is alive and well in the gaming community, and the attitude that everyone should play the game their way is one way it manifests. (This toxic masculinity is one reason I don't play competitive multiplayer.)

Incidentally, this reminds me of another thing; game developers should not try to stop players from enjoying the games the way they want to. This means that exploits and glitches that are fun and don't adversely affect casual gameplay should not be fixed.

Charon121: I also think dungeons in RPGs are hardly plausible, full of samey textures and enemies, just boring corridors filled with trash mobs railroading you to the level boss. The only dungeons I enjoyes were very short ones.
This reminds me: I am of the opinion that RPG developers should focus more effort into making normal encounters fun and challenging and less on boss fights and flashy cutscenes.

(Also, "enjoyes" should just be "enjoy" or "enjoyed".)

Sabin_Stargem: #13: The DanganRonpa series disappointed me. The cases don't feel as interesting as those of Ace Attorney, the stakes don't feel genuine, and the overarching mystery is just a giant tease that never truly got resolved.
I heard that there's one character who is treated by the authors in a way that can easily be seen as transphobic, and as such, I refuse to play that series. (Then again, there are other reasons I wouldn't likely play the series even if it didn't have that issue, but that's another story.)
Post edited January 28, 2019 by dtgreene