Sabin_Stargem: #2: VNs, Walking Simulators, and H-Games all are legitimate games and worthy of recognition.
Agreed. Whatever makes people happy.
Sabin_Stargem: #3: I consider DRM and Curation to be potential forms of censorship, and should be opposed.
DRM has of course the innate potential of censorship. Wrong region? You not play!
Curation is... well it's self-censorship of a store. There's good (QA) and bad (individual taste of curators, company policy) about it.
Sabin_Stargem: #4: Old games suck, newer games suck less. Games do not age like fine wine.
Well, wine tends to go sour too. Old games are both of historical value and childhood memory for many. Also some old games (not all) actually are bloody good fun, once you managed to look past the wrinkles. That said, arcade games with no checkpoints or huge RPGs without automapping are hard to stomach nowadays. As is trial-and-error(=die) gameplay (Sierra, I'm looking at you...)
Sabin_Stargem: #8: Bioshock 2 makes me bored and sleepy.
Lol my wife fell asleep during watching The Walking Dead, Expanse, The Punisher... to each their own I guess. Though I also think Bioshock 2 weaker than the first. The new team made the game more... gamey, while in the first Rapture felt more like a real place, not "levels".