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Plokite_Wolf: I have a bit of a soft spot for Heroes of Might & Magic IV.
vv221: I'd go as far as to call it the best Heroes of Might & Magic game I played. That includes 1 to 5 (and very small bits of 7).

By the way, Heroes of Might and Magic 3 has the least appealing soundtrack and aesthetics of the series.
*nods* Already said so about 4 (in my case after playing 1-4 and just TotE of 5), and now that I think of it good point about the look of 3 as well. Can't say I recall soundtrack so no comment there.
Plokite_Wolf: I have a bit of a soft spot for Heroes of Might & Magic IV.
vv221: I'd go as far as to call it the best Heroes of Might & Magic game I played. That includes 1 to 5 (and very small bits of 7).

By the way, Heroes of Might and Magic 3 has the least appealing soundtrack and aesthetics of the series.
HoM&M IV has by far the worst and completely different from the rest of the series gameplay mechanics (counting I - V). It is so different in fact that if wasn't set in the same universe and didn't have the name slapped on it, I would probably be hard pressed to identify it as a Heroes of Might & Magic game. More like a clone that attempts to follow the originals but desperately tries to do anything just to be different. I play the series because of a specific type of gameplay. If you want to innovate, V did it right (especially hero development) and didn't change everything just "because".

Me and my cousin tried the game numerous times and it always failed to grip us just because of how alien it felt.
Carmageddon TDR 2000 is a great game. I'm not quite sure if this is even an unpopular opinion since my introduction to the series is actually quite recent as TDR 2000 is also the very first Carmageddon game that I've ever played. However, it seems to me that many people have always disliked the game for reasons that emerged out of comparisons between the game and its predecessors.

This second opinion of mine is still subject to change upon replaying the game that I'm about to state my unpopular opinion on; I find the Sims games to be repetitive and boring. The fact that the game tries to replicate as many aspects of real life as possible into a single game, apparently it will also include the things that make life hard for some people. One of them is the fact that your sims do have a job to attend to. This basically sums up almost my entire experience with the game, as I would have to send my sims off to work or school and leave them with very little time for fun. In the end, these the Sims games only make me feel like I'm playing a job simulator (a little exaggerated).
Post edited February 05, 2019 by Vingry
idbeholdME: It is so different in fact that if wasn't set in the same universe and didn't have the name slapped on it, I would probably be hard pressed to identify it as a Heroes of Might & Magic game. More like a clone that attempts to follow the originals but desperately tries to do anything just to be different. I play the series because of a specific type of gameplay.
That is a fair point. Since I played the previous ones but was always frustrated by that "specific kind of gameplay" and could only finish the first, 2 and 3 completely stumped me, I was poking around at some early campaign scenarios, stubbornly so, but that was it, could never advance, couldn't deal with the gameplay and always wanted heroes in the battle and units to be able to wander around on their own, 4 was exactly what I wanted, but it was different and changing things is usually a bad move, so they should indeed have called it differently, make it into a spin-off. Would have likely been more successful then too, and definitely get less bad reviews, since people wouldn't have come at it with the expectations of it being the same as the others in the series.
Vingry: I find the Sims games to be repetitive and boring. The fact that the game tries to replicate as many aspects of real life as possible into a single game, apparently it will also include the things that make life hard for some people. One of them is the fact that your sims do have a job to attend to.
Oh yes!
Post edited February 05, 2019 by Cavalary
Vingry: . One of them is the fact that your sims do have a job to attend to.
Yeah, but you can be a criminal or artist.

You can't be an innkeeper. :-(
Post edited February 05, 2019 by tinyE
Vingry: Carmageddon TDR 2000 is a great game. I'm not quite sure if this is even an unpopular opinion since my introduction to the series is actually quite recent as that is also the first Carmageddon game that I've ever played. However, it seems to me that many people have always disliked the game for reasons that emerged out of comparisons between the game and its predecessors.
I also like carmageddon tdr 2000 more then 1 and 2 though 1 is better than carmageddon 2 and 2 was the only carmageddon i usually played most until i tried tdr 2000 and 1. Still haven't played the max damage game since my pc is too weak for it.
So about carmageddon tdr 2000 it actually seems like you get karma at the end of game and it's kind satisfying to me, also thumbs up for the missions, but this game people are annoyed mostly at the short timer and some weird ways you get wasted until you get enough armor.
Also carmageddon tdr 2000 wasn't really made by stainless software they somehow didn't include the team that was working on carmageddon and went with another studio think torus games maybe to make it which was kinda illegal or unfair since they weren't the right holders of carmageddon series.
Also i found the giant green rat head as easter egg.
Fonzer: which was kinda illegal or unfair since they weren't the right holders of carmageddon series
You never heard of outsourcing?
Fonzer: which was kinda illegal or unfair since they weren't the right holders of carmageddon series
Plokite_Wolf: You never heard of outsourcing?
First time i heard that word
Vingry: This second opinion of mine is still subject to change upon replaying the game that I'm about to state my unpopular opinion on; I find the Sims games to be repetitive and boring. The fact that the game tries to replicate as many aspects of real life as possible into a single game, apparently it will also include the things that make life hard for some people. One of them is the fact that your sims do have a job to attend to. This basically sums up almost my entire experience with the game, as I would have to send my sims off to work or school and leave them with very little time for fun. In the end, these the Sims games only make me feel like I'm playing a job simulator (a little exaggerated).
Alternatively, you could, instead of getting a job, just cheat as much money as you need, and cheat around any other aspects of the game you don't like; no sense in playing by the rules if the rules are making you unhappy.
Vingry: . One of them is the fact that your sims do have a job to attend to.
tinyE: Yeah, but you can be a criminal or artist.

You can't be an innkeeper. :-(
Yes, but being a criminal or artist is a legitimate profession. Being an innkeeper is not.
tinyE: Yeah, but you can be a criminal or artist.

You can't be an innkeeper. :-(
Lucumo: Yes, but being a criminal or artist is a legitimate profession. Being an innkeeper is not.
Good point.
Battle on the Big Bridge is the worst song in the Final Fantasy 5 soundtrack.

In Final Fantasy 4 DS, the Bardsong augment should be given to Rydia, not used on a temporary character. (It seems that every augment guide basically throws this augment away, whereas Rydia can make *very* good use of that particular augment, especially if you also give her Fast Talker (a common choice).)

Systems where you improve stats and skills based on your actions are superior to level-based growth, provided they're done well. More games should take something like Final Fantasy 2's system and refine it into something better.

Series comparison: SaGa is better than Final Fantasy.
Lucumo: Yes, but being a criminal or artist is a legitimate profession. Being an innkeeper is not.
tinyE: Good point.
Actually, depending on the décor of the location, the quality of breakfast, and the prices, innkeeper could be considered a subset of the artist or criminal profession. ;)
Post edited February 05, 2019 by Leroux
tinyE: Good point.
Leroux: Actually, depending on the décor of the location, the quality of breakfast, and the prices, innkeeper could be considered a subset of the artist or criminal profession. ;)
my mother's eggs Benedict is a work of art, but that's as far as I can take that.
The ending was very far from the worst thing about Mass Effect 3. All the (not so) subtle political SJW stuff made it impossible for me to reach the end.

I didn't get why people got so upset with Dragon Age: Inquisition or Mass Effect: Andromeda, all those parts were already in place in Mass Effect 3. Just not as flamboyant.
Post edited February 05, 2019 by user deleted