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Early 32-bit and 64-bit console games had the fugliest graphics since the 70s. With exceptions, of course. Much rather play something with good pixel art than those massive polygons, I don't care how many bits it has.
Mass Effect was just alright. It's not bad, but it's hardly the masterpiece that so many seem to think it is. I'll never understand how is managed to spawn such a ridiculous amount of hysterical and insufferable fancunts.

Quest for Glory 1 and 2's text parser interface is so, so much better than the point and click interfaces of 3, 4 and 5.

Fable and Fable 2 and two of the best RPGs of all time.

I wish games that claim to let you be evil would actually let you do some truly heinous shit (rape, bigotry, child murder, sex trafficking, all that good stuff).

The best thing Nintendo could possibly do is stop gating their games behind shitty gimmick consoles. The day I can play Mario and Zelda on a normal controller or mouse and keyboard, I will be a very happy panda.

On a similar note, "innovation" isn't an inherently good thing. It can be good, but changing things purely for the sake of being different almost always leads to shitty games/consoles.

The amount of Myst remakes that exist is just embarrassing.
I was just talking about this: I firmly belive that, starting from 4, Resident Evil mechanics are terrible. The aiming is absolutely abysmal and makes the games completely unplayable for me.
Even a guy who never held a gun before could make a better work than "pros" there. Stop, aim like you are blind drunk, shoot and pray you hit something.
Final Fantasy VII is boring.

Goldeneye is better than Quake Tournament

Diablo II doesn't hold up to the test of time, and you shouldn't recommend that people play it. Titan Quest is a better choice.

We are currently in the actual Golden Age of Gaming - At least 16 of the top 20 games of all time have come out in the past 5 years.
DadJoke007: I would say that Psychonauts is highly overrated. The game feels like a generic cartoon with terrible platforming tacked on to it. Some characters are good and some dialogue is funny, but that doesn't justify all the praise.
Matewis: I thought the same the first time I played it. In retrospect I think the game is just slow to start. The first few levels are pretty grating, especially the 'war' level and the underwater level (where I nearly quit the game out of 'meh-ness'). But beyond that I started to really enjoy myself. The milkman conspiracy level in particular is one of the best levels I've ever played in any game whatever. Those spies pretending to be gardeners, roadworkers etc. has me in stitches everytime :)
The underwater level where all the annoying fish people yells "goggalor" all the time is the place where I gave up. I couldn't stand it. If the game really takes off from there I will probably give it another chance at some point.
DadJoke007: I might add that I never got why people praised Skyrim. Every time I give that game a chance, it almost puts me to sleep. The combat is as repetive and shallow as the game world. Every single thing in that game feels like a chore.
LootHunter: That's exactly the problem with your topic. Yes, many people find Skyrim enjoyable, but opinion that this game is boring and shallow is not uncommon.
if you dislike the topic, feel free not to participate. I enjoy seeing games I like or dislike in a new light since people tend to appreciate and/or dislike aspects I might never notice otherwise.
Post edited January 28, 2019 by user deleted
Matewis: I thought the same the first time I played it. In retrospect I think the game is just slow to start. The first few levels are pretty grating, especially the 'war' level and the underwater level (where I nearly quit the game out of 'meh-ness'). But beyond that I started to really enjoy myself. The milkman conspiracy level in particular is one of the best levels I've ever played in any game whatever. Those spies pretending to be gardeners, roadworkers etc. has me in stitches everytime :)
DadJoke007: The underwater level where all the annoying fish people yells "goggalor" all the time is the place where I gave up. I couldn't stand it. If the game really takes off from there I will probably give it another chance at some point.
LootHunter: That's exactly the problem with your topic. Yes, many people find Skyrim enjoyable, but opinion that this game is boring and shallow is not uncommon.
DadJoke007: if you dislike the topic, feel free not to participate. I enjoy seeing games I like or dislike in a new light since people tend to appreciate and/or dislike aspects I might never notice otherwise.
FYI I love it, and I think it's healthy for the forum.
It's a thread that allows us to say things that are likely to piss other people off, but without fear of being trolled, shit on, or downrepped to hell.

Also I find it really fascinating. I love how something that draws me to came can repulse someone else, and vice versa.
Post edited January 28, 2019 by tinyE
LootHunter: That's exactly the problem with your topic. Yes, many people find Skyrim enjoyable, but opinion that this game is boring and shallow is not uncommon.
DadJoke007: if you dislike the topic, feel free not to participate. I enjoy seeing games I like or dislike in a new light since people tend to appreciate and/or dislike aspects I might never notice otherwise.
I didn't say that I dislike the topic. I just said that many of "unpopular opinions" are actually not that unpopular. Thus the name of the topic is not entirely accurate.

Btw, I've beaten Psychonauts (but haven't collected all the stuff). It's a good niche game. I enjoyed both gameplay and art. Though obviously not everyone will be able to do that, since that require to forgive game's controls and camera that at a few points are simply terrible.
tfishell: I think it's okay to cheat sometimes, especially with older difficult games.
I think it's also OK to cheat to get past parts of the game you simply don't like, parts of the game that are inaccessible due to disabilities, or to get around flaws in the game's design (like if a certain boss is far harder than it should be).
idbeholdME: - Never played a game from Nintendo and have no desire to do so. TBH, I never understood why their games became so popular in the first place.
Panaias: Wait a second. You haven't played The Legend Of Zelda: Link's Awakening? Whenever I think of Nintendo games this is the first to come in mind. Easily one of the best action / adventure games up to this day. If you can have (legal) access to it do yourself a favor and give it a go. If no other Nintendo can change your opinion, this may actually do it. (Sorry if I sound like a fanboy, it is one of the first games I was addicted to on the original GameBoy back then :) ).

edit: something's wrong with the url posting I guess, so here's a plain wikipedia link:
As I said, I din't find that game to be that great; I would consider it the worst of the first 4 Zelda games.

(Also, related to another thing I said in the thread, I wish Nintendo hadn't fixed the screen wrap glitch, which was fun to play around with (though you could softlock yourself if you're not careful).)

DadJoke007: I might add that I never got why people praised Skyrim. Every time I give that game a chance, it almost puts me to sleep. The combat is as repetive and shallow as the game world. Every single thing in that game feels like a chore.
Lucumo: Don't the core RPG gamers generally say that it's not such a good game while the standard gamers like it? Same with Fallout 3 and 4.
I could really argue that those games would not fit my definition of RPG (whereas Fallout 1 and 2 probably would).

It's a shame Bethesda decided to make the games the way they were, because I would like to see an actual turn-based party-based RPG with a TES-style spellmaking system (but actually try to balance it, please).

Lucumo: Other than that, it's more about "death in MMOs should make you lose EXP" or something. Or in general: The gaming market has become way too casualized.
My opinion is the opposite; death should not make you lose EXP in that sort of game. Punishing players for playing poorly just discourages beginners from trying the game and learning to get better.

Maybe a "lose EXP on death" mechanic might work in games with short stages where you start each stage at level 1 and death takes you back to the start of the stage anyway, but such a mechanic would be rather unusual to see in a game. (I think developers should experiment with the idea of levels being temporary rather than permanent.)

(Note that, in that previous paragraph, I originally used "level" instead of "stage", but changed it because it could be too confusing.)
Post edited January 28, 2019 by dtgreene
I still think Daggerfall is the best Elder Scrolls game to date. Better than Skyrim, better than ESO, better than the beloved Morrowind.

I don't care for Undertale at all. It is boring in the story department and the combat is cute, but not fun.
dtgreene: I'm surprised that you consider this opinion to be unpopular. To me, saving frequently is just good practice. (I have thought about, if I actually make a decent length game, of explicitly punishing the player for not saving often enough.)
Leroux: It's probably about people claiming that the ability to save everywhere provokes savescumming and either removes all challenge, making the games too easy, or makes constant saving a requirement (which is tedious).

Personally, I liked how Severance / Blade of Darkness handled this: You are able to save whenever you want to, but the savegames contain a rating, and the more often you save during levels, the more your rating decreases. It doesn't have any effect on the game though, it's just there to challenge the players who put store in such things. If you're not competitive at all and don't care what the game thinks about your performance you can safely ignore the rating and save as much as you want.
I *hate* the term "savescum", as it implies that saving is somehow bad.

If a game has a rating based on saves, I think there should be an option to disable such ratings entirely. I am also of the opinion that time played timers should be optional; I don't like the game telling me I've been playing for a long time.
sergeant_citrus: Also, KOTOR has *not* aged well. I started it about a year ago, and just couldn't push through that first planet. It's not just the graphics, I'm not crazy about the pseudo-Neverwinter-Nights combat / character development. I literally laughed out loud in the tutorial, where an in-game character is describing how to use the game interface. It has such stellar reviews that maybe I'll give it another shot, but it's not so easy without nostalgia-glasses.
Don't be fooled by the reviews, it really is not that great of a game, especially not on PC, due to the awful interface and controls. If you want to give it another try, go ahead, but don't feel bad if you don't like it.
superstande: I predict this thread will be the longest in GOG Forum's history :)
You really think this will be longer than the "what did just update?" thread (currently at 21,596 posts)? Or one particularly contentious thread (name was something like "the #[redacted] news thread" (though with "[redacted]" replaced with something else)) that had 8,423 posts before it was closed by the (then) community manager? Or "Word Association Game", which has 85,325 posts in it?

Another one:

I don't like keyboard+mouse controls. I prefer to be able to stick to a single input device and play with just one rather than having to use two different devices at once.

Also, I've had more troubles with mice (the ball/lens getting dirty is a big one) than with keyboards, so given the choice, I prefer to play with keyboard only (unless the game is well suited to being played with a gamepad).
Post edited January 28, 2019 by dtgreene
kalirion: That sounds like a statement of fact instead of opinion :)
tinyE: Uhhhhh no. :P

The System Shock games suck = statement of fact

I hate the System Shock games = statement of opinion
Even with the ":P" I honestly can't tell whether or not you're being sarcastic.
I liked Diablo and it's addon Hellfire but Diablo II is just a drag.
Bioshock 1 + 2 are okay at best.
Spelunky is just fucking annoying.
IMO Lords of the Fallen is a good game and doesn't deserve all that hate.
People who always whine about pixel art graphics, are IMO spoiled dickheads.
Esport is for posers who see themselves as athletes like e.g. soccer players, not realizing that this athletes also are just overpaid morons.
Hmmm...trying to think of some...

- The Baldur's Gate/Infinity Engine games are entertaining despite their real time w/pause gameplay, not because of it. Turn-based gameplay would have made them perfect. RTwP is not a good system.

- Sierra's parser-driven adventure games are superior to their point-and-click games, and parsers deserve to make a comeback. Also, there's absolutely nothing wrong with death in adventure games, no matter what Ron Gilbert's overrated little manifesto claims.

- As a storytelling experience, To the Moon is almost as good as a middling Touched by an Angel episode.

- For series that began in 2D and transitioned to 3D, the best installments are always the 2D games; e.g., the early 2D Zelda games are all superior to Ocarina of Time and its ilk.

- The Atari 800 is a superior gaming computer to the Commodore 64.

- Broken Age is a perfectly okay game. It's got its problems, but it's not significantly worse than Tim Schafer's 1990s games.

That's all I got for now :)