Whatever comes from the TV, when it is on. Very few movies or series seem to be able to excite me, maybe I've become jaded.
Game of Thrones is currently on hold because of meh. I sometimes try to watch Deadwood reruns as it is supposed to be good too, but again I don't really see the point. Most non-comedy TV series I see seem to be drama where I am supposed to care that someone loves someone else, or someone is angry at another person. Meh. Too much talk.
I'm trying to think which movies or TV series excited me lately...
TV series:
Fargo was pretty good, it was interesting to watch and I was looking forward to how the story develops. I liked the original movie too.
In Bruges (2008). The case of not knowing what to expect, and then being positively surprised. Colin Farrell's role was the best I have seen from him, I think. His "suicidal and tearful badass" was spot on.