Klumpen0815: I didn't even know, that there are books of Game of Thrones and wouldn't want to read them either if they are as crappy as this TV series.
The whole series (actually called A Song of Ice and Fire) is planned to have 7, 5 are currently out (though you may find the 3rd and 5th, not sure if also 4th, split in two due to size). The second and third are absolutely outstanding imho, and after being skeptical initially, once I actually read it some 5 years ago (well, the 4 that were out at the time) I had to agree with those putting the series as a whole as #1 in fantasy series rankings (even if the fantasy element is light, extremely light in the first books), at least out of those I'm aware of.
The series... Great compared to other fantasy TV series, but quite meh compared to the books.