I started reading
The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy: A Trilogy in Five Parts. I've read the books before in finnish ages ago. I never thought it was as amazing as others seem to think and figured it was due to a poor translation, which is why I got it in english this time. Now, after reading around 200 pages of it I realized it's the British humour, which has never been my cup of tea. It's not like the book is bad or anything, I just don't find it that funny.
Before that, I read Dan Simmons'
The Terror. The fight against dwindling resources and extreme weather was the most interesting part in my opinion. Some sections of the book were a bit too long, probably written to give some backstories to the crewmembers. The ending was ok, but a bit dissappointing. Not much horror in there either, but that didn't bother me.