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Shigeru Mizuki's Hitler by, you guessed it, Shigeru Mizuki.
The Death Archives: Mayhem 1984–1994 by Jørn Stubberud, also known as Necrobutcher.
Article: Kollabierte Kommunikation: Was, wenn am Ende "die Covidioten" recht haben? by Milosz Matuschek
Post edited September 03, 2020 by viperfdl
The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton.
Linux From Scratch 10.0 - I think it counts as a book lol maybe I'll get around to actually building the OS this time around.
Elric de Melniboné by Michael Moorcock. I read that this book, although it was not the first to come out about this character, is the first of its franchise in chronological order.
God or Nothing
by Robert Sarah
Totuus tapaus Aarniosta by J.K. Tamminen. A book about Jari Aarnio.
Post edited September 06, 2020 by huppumies
huppumies: Totuus tapaus Aarniosta by J.K. Tamminen. A book about Jari Aarnio.
What a deep fall. I guess every hero becomes a villain at the end.
The Catcher in the Rye
by J.D. Salinger
Comment: Neuer Schwung mit Schwarzweissrot? by Hermann Ploppa
Post edited September 10, 2020 by viperfdl
Article: Was spricht fuer den Kapitalismus? - Teil 3 by Brend Tragen
Virgin Soil by Ivan Turgenev.
Halfway through David Brin's Startide Rising.
Välskärin kertomuksia by Z. Topelius. This is the first volume of three. I'm reading Juhani Aho's finnish translation from original swedish. My father recommended this book when I was a kid and I tried reading it then, but I didn't get far. I feel I'm better suited to read it now that I'm older.