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Article: Durch Anaesthetika bewirkte Reaktionsunfaehigkeit schaltet nicht notwendig das Bewusstsein aus by Florian Roetzer
About how anaesthetics work.

Article: Das Ende der Paedagogik? by Carl Bossard
About how schools teach children to become lone fighters instead of to promote solidarity.
Post edited July 13, 2018 by viperfdl
Dark Genesis: The Birth of the Psi Corps by Gregory Keyes
Umma. Reporter na Bliskim Wschodzie by Alfred de Montesquiou
A Beautiful Poison, Lydia Kang (mystery)

Singing in the Shrouds, Ngaio Marsh (classic mystery)

The Woman Who Smashed Codes, Jason Fagone (biography)

Various stories by H.P. Lovecraft (re-reading favorites from an omnibus edition)

A Fall of Moondust, Arthur C. Clarke (classic sci-fi)
I am current reading Argument of Kings by Joe Abercrombie. I highly recommend reading the First law trilogy if you like epic fantasy books. The highlight for me is Glokta. He is scheming, merciless, and will do anything to survive.

If you like Game of Thrones books, you will most likely enjoy the First Law books. There are also 3 standalone books.

Other book is Most Wanted. This gives some more background into Han's life and will tie in with the new Han Solo movie.
Article: Tagesdosis 17.7.2018 - Hochverrat in Helsinki? by Dirk Pohlmann
About the hysterical reaction concerning the meeting between Trump and Putin.

Article: Die Nicht-Demokratie by Robert Fantina
Translation of Social Media and Israel: Censorship of the Truth

Article: Neoliberaler Faschismus by Ullrich Mies
About Neoliberal Fascism.

Edit (18.07.2018)
Article: Bitte beteiligen Sie sich an der notwendigen Aufklaerung ueber den Zustand unserer Medien. Das ist kriegsentscheidend, so koennte man ohne Uebertreibung sagen. by Albrecht Müller
A plea to be critical about what the media broadcast.

Article: "Greenwashing ist ein Ablasshandel fuer die Reichen" by Reinhard Jellen
An interview with Kathrin Hartmann, the author of Die gruene Luege - Weltrettung als profitables Geschaeftsmodell

Article: Bieten ARD und ZDF Orientierung? by Paul Schreyer
Post edited July 18, 2018 by viperfdl
The Magic Mountain by Thomas Mann
Article: Die unsichtbare Hand by Mohssen Massarrat
About the use of mass unemployment as weapon for neoliberalism.
Jade City- Kung Fu + mafia/Godfather vibe. Somewhat long, but entertaining book.
Article: Universal Basic Enslavement by Corbett Report
Currently reading:
Political Evil by Alan Wolfe
Stardust by Neil Gaiman
XIII by Vance & Van Hamme

Next to read:
A Problem from Hell by Stephanie Power
American Gods by Neil Gaiman
Boxing A Cultural History by Kasia Boddy
Just finished The Sailors on the Seas of Fate. Excellent book.
Article: Wenn Niedertracht und Scheinheiligkeit zusammentreffen - Deutschland, Özil und die Integrationsdebatte by Jens Berger
About soccer player Mesut Özil and integration in Germany.
Post edited July 24, 2018 by viperfdl
I'm reading Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.
I find a good book that I recommend to anyone who likes the Harry Potter universe.
I think I'm gonna start The Three-Body Problem by Cixin Liu. Umma... has unexpectedly smacked my ignorant head with the Darfur genocide and I find it hard to read on...
InkPanther: I think I'm gonna start The Three-Body Problem by Cixin Liu.
I have read the first one, second is waiting on the shelf. It was a truly amazing experience, something different from your usual sci-fi book.