Darvond: Oh, Bahamut Lagoon is a Tactical RPG worth your time if unlike me, that's the sort of thing you like. (I can't do Tactical RPGs.)
Ah, Bahamut Lagoon. Good game, but Yoyo is a terrible character.
If we're recommending strategy RPGs, then Fire Emblem 4 (Seisen no Keifu) and 5 (Thracia 776) are way up there, too. Last I checked, only 5 has a full translation, but both are worth playing. They're a serious gateway drug to the rest of the series and have some seriously amazing characters. There's also murder, suicide, incest, possession, child sacrifice, and all kinds of other dark stuff. Game of Thrones presented by Nintendo, basically.
dtgreene: Actually, I believe Mother 1 was released on the Wii U Virtual Console in the US. (Note that I have to say "in the US" because of region locking, which is one of the reasons I don't have a 3DS, Wii, or Wii U.) I believe the title was changed to something like "Earthbound Beginnings".
Yeah, I remember something like that happening not so long ago. Isn't Mother 1 a Famicom game of the non-super variety, though? Not sure why it's being brought up.