Time4Tea: Cowboy Bebop - the first episode seems cool and it seems very stylish. I like the premise of what seems like a western set in space. Although, it seemed a bit overly reliant on violence as a plot vehicle and the characters seemed to lack much depth. Although, presumably they will flesh out the characters more in later episodes and I will probably try watching it some more at some point.
The first episode is the most anime-violent episode by some margin.
The second is less violent, and the rest even less. (As far as I remember, at least. It’s been a few years.)
The episodes are very varied in pace and style. By episode 5 or so, it was my favourite anime series. Still is.
Back in the day, I bought the series as a box set, so I was more “committed”, you could say.
In this age of streaming, I might not have progressed past the first one.