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WinterSnowfall: This thread is vastly overrun by "shonen" anime (not that there's anything wrong with that, but they do get quite boring after a while), so to add a dialogue-based slice-of-life brain tease I can recommend Odd Taxi.
If you like slice-of-life type animes. Try "The aquatope on the white sand". The last episode is playing tomorrow, so should be available to watch free next week (yearly membership, so no wait for me =P). That leaves 23 episodes to binge on for free now. :)

If you already heard of it or watched it, then I'm not saying anything new. Otherwise, it's a truly touching anime which centers around two young women, sea life and aquariums. It really is a refreshing take on anime and lots of quality visuals and an amazing story.
aCyborg: someone probably has mentioned this but One Punch Man
I'm hoping for the next season. Want to see the arc with Saitama and Blizzard lol.
Post edited December 15, 2021 by gog2002x
gog2002x: If you like slice-of-life type animes. Try "The aquatope on the white sand".
Thank you for the recommendation. I'm down for that, why not. I'll probably watch it during the winter holidays :P.
Time4Tea: Cowboy Bebop - the first episode seems cool and it seems very stylish. I like the premise of what seems like a western set in space. Although, it seemed a bit overly reliant on violence as a plot vehicle and the characters seemed to lack much depth. Although, presumably they will flesh out the characters more in later episodes and I will probably try watching it some more at some point.
I've only ever watched the Dub (english) version and it's one of my all time favorites. This one is truly a classic and well worth the watch. There's a lot of action, funny moments and a great story and the ending...well, it will certainly be interesting.
gog2002x: If you like slice-of-life type animes. Try "The aquatope on the white sand".
WinterSnowfall: Thank you for the recommendation. I'm down for that, why not. I'll probably watch it during the winter holidays :P.
It's one of those animes I really wish got more attention since it's so good and fills you with such warmth. Given the rocky two years we've had so far, it's the perfect way the end the year. :)

I'm both happy I got to watch it as it really had an impact on me and sad that it'll be over tomorrow though. Sigh.
Post edited December 15, 2021 by gog2002x
Time4Tea: Cowboy Bebop - the first episode seems cool and it seems very stylish. I like the premise of what seems like a western set in space. Although, it seemed a bit overly reliant on violence as a plot vehicle and the characters seemed to lack much depth. Although, presumably they will flesh out the characters more in later episodes and I will probably try watching it some more at some point.
The first episode is the most anime-violent episode by some margin.
The second is less violent, and the rest even less. (As far as I remember, at least. It’s been a few years.)

The episodes are very varied in pace and style. By episode 5 or so, it was my favourite anime series. Still is.
Back in the day, I bought the series as a box set, so I was more “committed”, you could say.
In this age of streaming, I might not have progressed past the first one.
Has anyone else watched Yuukaku-hen episode 7? I don't read the manga, I was very surprised.
Enen no Shouboutai. I wasn't expecting this anime to be that good. I recommend it, for sure.
Berserk (98)
Shiki (recent)
Attack on Titan
Enen no Shouboutai. I take that back. Only season 1 is worth watching. What a shame.
Post edited April 17, 2022 by Cambrey
Ranking of Kings
Demon Slayer
Lately, I haven't been impressed by much (Enen no Shouboutai, Nanatsu no Tazai) and then I came across Yasuke, a Netflix exclusive. Once again, Netflix surprises me with a one of a kind anime. Not the best I have ever seen, but pretty entertaining. Season 1 is only 6x30 minutes. Worth watching, in my opinion.
Spy x Family is my favorite of the current new ones. It's just the right amount of over-the-topness and cuteness.
Mr.Mumbles: Spy x Family is my favorite of the current new ones. It's just the right amount of over-the-topness and cuteness.
Spy x Family is great. I wasn't expecting to enjoy it this much.

Anyway, some shows to look out for :
Kill la Kill
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagen
Darker than Black
Berserk (not the 2016 version, the old one from the 90s)
Full Metal Alchemist. (I think either version is fine. Brotherhood has the better story arc and ending, but the original was still rather well made and had a great soundtrack
Black Lagoon
Made in Abyss
The first season of The Promised Neverland (Second season was rubbish)
Cautious Hero
Honzuki no Gekkokujou
Mushoku Tensei
No Game No Life
Love is War
Post edited May 11, 2022 by CthuluIsSpy
Here are some of my favourites:
Elfen Lied
Blue submarine no 6
So, I dedicated the day for anime today. It was a totally lazy day. I fixed my firestick with the help of the tutorial, and enjoyed watching anime for the whole day. I sometimes need to distract, to plug into another reality to reload my thoughts. Today was such day.
Post edited June 05, 2022 by corickl
I've only recently started watching some anime but so far I can tell you that Bubblegum Crisis is my absolute favorite so far.

It's about a vigilante group of 4 women who don Iron-Man suits to fight a corrupt mega-corporation that builds Terminator-like robots. Yes it is that cool. It only lasted 8 episodes but man are they good. Not to mention it has one of the coolest 80s soundtracks that I've ever heard (In Japanese language. The English dub version doesn't do the songs justice).

Just don't watch the sequel series, Bubblegum Crash. It will ruin everything that you liked about the original.

edit: check out the first few minutes of episode 1. If this doesn't convince you to watch it, then nothing will.
Post edited May 11, 2022 by BenKii
Time4Tea: One Piece - it seemed pretty fun and interesting, although perhaps a bit too ... 'whacky' for my tastes? It seemed a bit random, especially this thing with Luffy stretching like Mr. Incredible. Yeah ... I dunno. I might watch another couple of episodes and give it a chance.
This post is inciting the Kubrick Stare in me. Did you mean to liken Luffy to Mr. Fantastic or Mrs. Incredible? Mr. Incredible is about as stretchy as the Ever-Loving Thing. Anyway, One Piece remains a strong balance of wacky and serious all throughout (although I would say very little of it is random, per-say), just be warned that it's going to be 1200+ episodes when finished and isn't there yet.
Post edited May 12, 2022 by LegoDnD