hedwards: As with any OEM, I'd recommend doing a complete reinstall with a non-OEM disc.
Martek: Good advice in general - but in Lenovo's case it doesn't matter. You didn't read closely enough the first article I linked.
The "crapware" is installed via the BIOS, no matter what install disc you use. This is possible due to the Microsoft Windows Platform Binary Table BIOS feature. To quote a small but relevant part of the article:
Basically, before booting Windows, the Lenovo Service Engine (LSE) built into the laptop's firmware replaces Microsoft's copy of autochk.exe with Lenovo's version. Lenovo's version then ensures that LenovoUpdate.exe and LenovoCheck.exe are present in Windows' system32 directory, with full administrative rights. Lo and behold, you then get Lenovo crapware -- and a machine that phones home to Lenovo servers -- even if you think you've avoided such practices via what you incorrectly assumed was a truly clean OS install.
Martek: Beware Lenovo - even with a "clean install" disc.
SSolomon: For all the people worried about W10 spying on them.... I hope you don't use any device connected to a mobile network. The amount of "spying" W10 does is incredible minuscule in comparison.
As for the original posters question - I've personally had zero problems with W10. Its run everything I've thrown at it flawlessly, and boots and runs smooth as silk for everyday tasks.
Martek: Usual retort.
Before something undesirable becomes common the retort is often along the lines of, "it's only this one little thing".
After it becomes prevalent, it becomes "well everyone else is already doing it - so just stop worrying about it and accept it" (your retort). Makes the "hand wavers" (as in
"these are not the droids you are looking for") happy.
No. The point is griping about "spying" in Windows 10 in particular is fine, as such since it is going to be the number one OS in the world soon enough - but claiming that's a reason for *not* using Windows 10 is crazy because you'll be spied upon anyway regardless of the OS you choose.
That's not saying it's ok or acceptable to be spied upon online, but whether you choose to use Windows 10 or not changes nothing.
"I'm not using Windows 10 because it spies on me" makes no sense. Complaining about spying in Windows 10 or in general makes perfect sense.