DalekSec: The bad here is that is selected by default, so in order to avoid the upgrade, I need to deselect it before installing the other updates.
Yesterday I saw the same on my ASUS laptop (Windows 7). I've set it
not to automatically download and install any Windows updates (partly so that I don't accidentally run the Win10 upgrade).
Yesterday I manually checked what new updates there are. After it had scanned for them, there was that big banner to update to Windows 10, but I clicked on the "see other updates" link under that.
But as you said, under the optional updates the Win10 update was already selected, while other optional updates were not. So yes, it really does seem to me Microsoft is trying to trick people to accidentally update to Windows 10.
I have no idea if it really goes to install it if you have set up Windows to download and install all relevant (also optional) updates automatically, but at least it seems it would have started the Windows 10 update unless I had specifically deselected the Win10 update before telling it to proceed with the updates.
I really hope this is not true, if it is, fuck you very much MS. Let's see if I'll have to re-install Windows 7 to friend's computer where automatic updates are enabled.
Atlantico: Mira, es una actualización opcional, ellas nunca instalarán automaticamente. Por eso se llama opcionales.
¿Por qué es seleccionada por defecto, mientras que otras actualizaciones opcionales no son? ¿Qué pasa si uno deja como seleccionado, y se va a dejar de descargar e instalar las actualizaciones de Windows? ¿Estás diciendo que no va a hacer eso para que la actualización específica, a pesar de que se ha seleccionado?
¿Y por qué coño estás escribiendo en español de todos modos? Vittu en minäkään kirjoita suomeksi. English, motherfucker, English!