siddham: What is the verdict on Windows 10 from gamers?
For now, gaming is not the reason to upgrade to it. Overall it seems to have pretty good backwards compatibility, but some games can break (like if you have any old retail games with certain SecuROM versions, or even some GOG games do have issues, but maybe GOG will fix most of those issues, e.g. I see a new Carmageddon 2 installer has appeared which supposedly fixes the Win10 installation issues with that game; but then I already see someone reporting the new version crashes when you try to run the game?).
If you have a higher end PC, then in the future DirectX12 games will probably become a reason to use Windows 10. If you mainly play older (GOG) games or indies, e.g. because your PC is not up to new AAA stuff, then this is not relevant.
If you have Windows 8.x, then I feel an upgrade to Windows 10 is overall well worth it either way, because Windows 10 feels more like a proper desktop OS than Windows 8.x.
I personally will keep Windows 7/64bit on my current PCs where I have it, and any future PC which I will buy (e.g. for future AAA games) will obviously have Windows 10 preloaded. So my future Windows 10 PCs will run those future DirectX12 titles then.
Also, naturally one benefit of Windows 10 is that it will be officially supported much farther to the future than either Windows 7 or 8. That's the reason why I am still reserving (and temporarily installing, and then downgrading) a free copy also to those Windows 7 PCs even if I am not going to use it on them for now. Maybe later, when the support of Windows 7 ends. Or not, maybe install Linux Mint on the side of Windows 7. I'll decide then.