UndeadHalfOrc: Hello all, retro gamer here.
I have binged on western RPGs these past few years, and across the board, if there is a ranger class in that game, chances are it will suck...
Listing only the games I have played:
Eye of the Beholder trilogy: 100% useless. get a Paladin or Fighter/Cleric instead, or heck any fighter multiclass.
Dark Sun games : 100% Useless. Get a Gladiator, or Fighter/Druid instead.
Baldur's gate 1: wheeee!... I can choose a specific single enemy class I will have a bonus against... Fighters specializing in bows are better.
Ultima Underworld 1 & 2: A woodsman in a dungeon game where there is no forests or furry animal friends, and missile weapons are really really bad. Get a druid or paladin instead, or a fighter or mage.
Might and Magic 3: OK, this is only game listed here where he's useful and ONLY because of his exclusive access to Walk on Water. Would be useless otherwise.
Might and Magic 4-5 World of Xeen: No more exclusive nature spells? LOL, off to the trash bin you go...
Might and Magic 6: Speaks volumes that it's absent from this game where as the druid is included
Might and Magic 7: .... because in this one, it's the worst class out of 9, by far. Complete joke class, the first promotion class is the easiest because it involves finding a trickster fairy who makes fun of you.
Heroes of Might and Magic 3 (I know, strategy game, but I felt like including it because of all 18 available classes, it's one of the worst)
Note: this topic is NOT about the M&M Archer class, or Diablo 1 Rogue class, or Diablo 2 Amazon class. These bow/ranged combat specialist are all great.
So do you know any old western RPGs where Rangers are good?
Actually, other than The Elder Scrolls, a western ARPG and Minecraft (which was based on Rogue), they tend to suck in general. If you understand the triangle-system that most RPGs go on, you'd know that they were mostly meant to be weak to tanks but strong against mages. So they should have good survivability against magic while dealing out shots that will quickly deal with mages (depending on the system). So their leather should be enchanted and it should have high magic defense, low physical defense. Bows should do medium physical damage. They're supposed to suppress mages. The problem is, they never seem to give them the damage.
Mage classes have a similar issue where they get nerfed to hell and back. It would see this always comes from either the customer or the developer not understanding how to balance the classes because they're unaware of the triangle-system. They get that there should be differences, they get what those differences look like, but they don't have a clue how to compare. Things usually end up favoring your knights (tanks: given high damage physical weapons along with their high defense armor).
Warloch_Ahead: To be honest, that's kind of how I treat the class in general. Archery focused fighter with rogue elements and a bit of druid on top.
And that's why I find class restrictions in RPGs dumb. If you have an idea for a character, you have to pick a class that "fits" if your idea isn't strictly conventional, or multiclass if it doesn't. Or pick an entirely different system that will allow it, but then that means you're out of luck if your tabletop groups won't adopt it.
dtgreene: Without class restrictions, however, you risk the problem where everyone can do everything. Final Fantasy 7 is an example of this; you have enough materia slots to give any character all the important abilities, allowing everybody to do tons of damage and to heal effectively.
There needs to be *some* restrictions, or at least some mechanism to make it take a while to get to that point.
Yeah, and something needs done about max level partis [/sarcasm]
This is the trap TES fell into, and mages are broken in Skyrim, and not in an "easy to win" kind of way. They sought to control the issues of crafted magic and now mages don't have good high level options without mods (which is why there's so much hate for vampires in skyrim, because that favors magic). Instead, players should challenge themselves. If you're overleveling yourself to have all the best spells, you're going to wipe everything.
But, hey, if you need to deal with it, you could always find a way to make the neglected aspects more important. Make something suck half your MP, then give them something that regetns 10 MP per turn. Now they're going to use base and -ara spells, since that's all they'll have the MP for.
dtgreene: On the other hand, I have been thinking of replaying Ultima 3 (again), and that game uses the "jack-of-all-trades" approach to the Ranger class, one that's also seen in the Might and Magic series. Although, I notice that, in these games, compared to more specialized classes they give up more on the casting side than on the fighting side.
Warloch_Ahead: To be honest, that's kind of how I treat the class in general. Archery focused fighter with rogue elements and a bit of druid on top.
And that's why I find class restrictions in RPGs dumb. If you have an idea for a character, you have to pick a class that "fits" if your idea isn't strictly conventional, or multiclass if it doesn't. Or pick an entirely different system that will allow it, but then that means you're out of luck if your tabletop groups won't adopt it.
Well, the idea of a class is that your character has a role on the team to fill. Complaining about this is akin to complaining about players in a sport not able to play different positions. It's inherent in the name "Role Playing Game." Now i know that some RPGs lost sight of this by being single player nd not giving you AI allies to work with, but without a team your "role" of your RPG is already in violation of the genre. RPG does imply creating a team, even if it's one other character. Of course, being able to break out of your class a little isn't a bad idea, but even in games like Skyrim you find that if you break out of your class too much you get punished, which i think is a good way to deal with it. Players should learn and know their role before abandoning it.