It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
We suggest you upgrade newer and better browser like: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera

Aemenyn: Could be many things.
I've had some purchases go a bit wonky myself, though that was generally during a sale, with a lot of load on the servers.
Uhm, i don't remember any patch release during this last week so that's why i wasn't even thinking about the servers, wanted to know if it was something like banks, payment options or some regions.

I don't know, this isn't the first time that this happens so by now we should have got some public announcement about this problem but then again, it's gog we're talking about...
Cyraxpt: snip
Considering no payment had apparently taken place, it seems like it was something on GOG's part.
I doubt it's a major or common issue.
Aemenyn: Considering no payment had apparently taken place, it seems like it was something on GOG's part.
I doubt it's a major or common issue.
Well, it would be on their interest to adress this problem and reassure people before another TW3 patch is released and overloads the servers.
I would have killed to see him give solution credit to whoever might have posted "You are in the Netherlands." :P
tinyE: I would have killed to see him give solution credit to whoever might have posted "You are in the Netherlands." :P
The Netherlands should just annex the rest of the world. Problem solved.
tinyE: I would have killed to see him give solution credit to whoever might have posted "You are in the Netherlands." :P
Aemenyn: The Netherlands should just annex the rest of the world. Problem solved.
Well there is another problem there; The States think they already did annex the rest of the world.
Whatever caused gog to do weird stuff is apparently still there ; this time I wanted to buy something from the weekend sale, and the problem this time was that, after I put the details and nothing happened, it didn't show now any location at all where there should be one and the currency was only USD. I used the solution Heinrich proposed yesterday (logout, delete cookies, login again) and it was fixed again, but I have now another pending order, the timer of which was at about 1:58 (so a timer with 2 hrs tops) and that order is in dollars this time so I have to wait until it expires again... *sigh*
Treasure: Whatever caused gog to do weird stuff is apparently still there ; this time I wanted to buy something from the weekend sale, and the problem this time was that, after I put the details and nothing happened, it didn't show now any location at all where there should be one and the currency was only USD. I used the solution Heinrich proposed yesterday (logout, delete cookies, login again) and it was fixed again, but I have now another pending order, the timer of which was at about 1:58 (so a timer with 2 hrs tops) and that order is in dollars this time so I have to wait until it expires again... *sigh*
Strange. But if this is a cookie problem this couldn't happen me because I made my browser to clean all cookies when I close it.
So I had this same problem a some days ago. The checkout was thinking that I am in France and I could not buy anything. The problem solved it self some hours later, but I thought I should tell support about it. I even made a screenshot of the checkout page, to show that a wrong location was tracked, while my account settings were still correct... (not that the settings should even play a role at the checkout). Today I got an answer:


I am very sorry for not being able to get back to you sooner.

It seems that your location is reported correctly, by both IP and our service.

Please check your locale settings here:
To be absolutely certain that the change is saved permanently, please try clearing your browser's cache, performing a clean refresh (Ctrl+R) of the page, and then logging out, and back in.

Best regards,
Why did I even bother to write them... since they are clearly not even able to read the ticket -.-
Post edited August 10, 2015 by moonshineshadow
I know what you mean. Have had similar responses in the past regarding various things.
Sachys: I know what you mean. Have had similar responses in the past regarding various things.
It makes me really loose faith in the persons responsible if they don't even get what I am talking about. And hell I even put a screenshot, how hard is it to understand the problem o.O
moonshineshadow: So I had this same problem a some days ago. The checkout was thinking that I am in France and I could not buy anything. The problem solved it self some hours later, but I thought I should tell support about it. I even made a screenshot of the checkout page, to show that a wrong location was tracked, while my account settings were still correct... Today I got an answer:


I am very sorry for not being able to get back to you sooner.

It seems that your location is reported correctly, by both IP and our service.

Please check your locale settings here:
To be absolutely certain that the change is saved permanently, please try clearing your browser's cache, performing a clean refresh (Ctrl+R) of the page, and then logging out, and back in.

Best regards,
moonshineshadow: Why did I even bother to write them... since they are clearly not even able to read the ticket -.-
That's weird - I mean the fact he said your ip reported your location correctly, because in my case after I solved my issue once and for all (I finally followed Ritualisto's suggestion once again and had my browser delete my cookies upon closing it, plus I close and reopen the browser before buying anything), I received a followup message from support 3 days ago (this time a guy other than Heinrich) that, apart from telling me that I hadn't been charged more than once for my purchases, told me that "the problem with your IP returning location as Netherlands was temporary. Please let me know, in case this issue persists", which is pretty much what I had been told before (that it was something from their side and deleting browser cookies solved it somehow).
Maybe your location is screwed up only when you go to the checkout as happened to me the very first time I encountered the issue (as per my first post in this thread), and that's why he couldn't see anything wrong when he sent you the message.
Treasure: Maybe your location is screwed up only when you go to the checkout as happened to me the very first time I encountered the issue (as per my first post in this thread), and that's why he couldn't see anything wrong when he sent you the message.
Maybe. But that is why I put a screenshot to show that something was not working correctly. And I mean why does the support tell me to go to my settings, that has nothing to do with the issue at all.
Sachys: I know what you mean. Have had similar responses in the past regarding various things.
moonshineshadow: It makes me really loose faith in the persons responsible if they don't even get what I am talking about. And hell I even put a screenshot, how hard is it to understand the problem o.O
Maybe its a cover up and the GOGbears have been experimenting with wormhole technology. O_____o?
moonshineshadow: It makes me really loose faith in the persons responsible if they don't even get what I am talking about. And hell I even put a screenshot, how hard is it to understand the problem o.O
Sachys: Maybe its a cover up and the GOGbears have been experimenting with wormhole technology. O_____o?
Wormhole technology? That sounds fun :D If that is the reason I would volunteer for tests even if it hinders me to buy games.