catpower1980: Hum hum, a paid mod isn't a guarantee of being unbiased and even more if he/she is working alone.
They won't be working alone in this case, working with other teams is one of the job requirements, and you can replace 'unbiased' with 'balanced' or 'cool headed' if you like. Point is, they represent the company and should always keep in mind that everything they do might reflect on the company as a whole.
Every single time I've seen TET and Judas step in to perform moderation they did it flawlessly (except in one recent case - you can probably guess what I'm referring to). They were polite, firm, reasonable AND still respectful to all parties involved. I assume there's some kind of (written or unwritten) company guidelines on how to deal with these situations, or at the very last there's a certain mindset in the office that should rub off on the new appliants.
So I'm not too worried. For now.
catpower1980: If we wanna complain about some "undeserved treatment", will we have to go through him/her or will there be a possibility to report some mod abuse to other people from the staff?
File a support ticket, I guess? They go directly to the support team without passing through the CM.
Why, what are you plotting to do anyway? :)
catpower1980: And much importantly, when compared to other forums, GOG forumers are very spread worldwide with various sense of humor, customs and beliefs. The cultural clash which sometimes happens is what makes this place interesting and it would be sad if this place becomes too bland :(
Cultural relativism is nice, but unless you want this forum to turn into yet another hopeless clusterfuck it shouldn't stop you from drawing lines and taking a stance when it's needed. I too don't want Gog to become PG 13 rated, but that doesn't mean everything should be allowed, and I really don't like the way things have been going recently. The forums
need some moderations right now.