Posted June 14, 2016

Ordained Dudeist
Registered: Jul 2011
From Greece

vaccines work she/her
Registered: Jan 2010
From United States
Posted June 14, 2016

(Also, don't forget other factors, such as sexual orientation, gender identity, and disabilities.)

New User
Registered: Jan 2014
From United States

Ordained Dudeist
Registered: Jul 2011
From Greece

You're in my spot
Registered: Apr 2012
From Poland
Posted June 14, 2016

Guess I'll have to start saving links from now on :P Hey, maybe you can be my deputy? Until G.O.G government get it's act together we will be the law in this here frontier town!
Post edited June 14, 2016 by Breja

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted June 14, 2016
Whoever ends up with that job should probably receive extra pay. Hard liquor gets expensive when you're buying it several gallons at a time.

The Puzzlemaster
Registered: Dec 2012
From United States
Posted June 14, 2016

I was at the Telltale Forums right from the get go & it was a pleasant enough community. Eventually, as these things go, one or two posters got restless & volunteer mods came to be. It went to shit faster than Tiffany Mynx taking a laxative after eating a burrito or two.
The second is The Tale of Sapience and The Lord of the Rings Online, a paid Community Manager that went on a very bad power trip & got himself a handful of mentally disabled sheep which proceeded to raze the forums, getting rid of anyone who didn't bow down before the girth of Almighty Sapience. Needless to say, those people quit the game too. I think the game was at a historic player low, then. It seemed to have gotten better after Sap went off on a Grand New Adventure in Fuckit Idontcare.
So if you want to moderate your forums, please pay very close attention to who you're getting. No Social Justice Retards, please. You know what those people do to whatever it is they touch. They always "know better" & have "many ideas to improve what's obviously wrong".
If a mass exodus occurs (and succeeds), as has been suggested and attempted in the past, that would be the end of this place. Nobody else would want to stick around if all they have to talk to are scammers, spammers, and trolls.
In fact, I have a (very light) suspicion that the store boycotting is what may have made them suggest putting in a community specialist. Mind you, I could be entirely incorrect, and this opinion is mainly conspiracy-theory sort of thought, but I note that they didn't do anything about this for YEARS until just now that people are leaving, harassing the staff, and ceasing to spend money. It's possible that they've finally succeeded in being effective, since GOG is a business, and money is the only thing that influences them to do anything.

Ordained Dudeist
Registered: Jul 2011
From Greece

Durik - Half-Orc
Registered: Dec 2013
From Italy
Posted June 14, 2016

I didn't offend people with that comment did I?

WHY did you use Johnathanamz in your example image?
He seemed calm, don't risk provoking him..

Ordained Dudeist
Registered: Jul 2011
From Greece

The Puzzlemaster
Registered: Dec 2012
From United States
Posted June 14, 2016
I don't really think Bradley deserves a ban. Theoretically, if I were a mod, I'd probably give him a warning at most. He shares controversial opinions, sure, but he's never been responsible (as far as I've seen) for any counts of harassment or scamming.

Born butt first. Doc said, It's an asshole!
Registered: Dec 2014
From Portugal
Posted June 14, 2016
I don't quite grasp what you're trying to say here. Sexual with disabilities, what? Is this some sort of indecent proposal type thing?

Ordained Dudeist
Registered: Jul 2011
From Greece

vaccines work she/her
Registered: Jan 2010
From United States
Posted June 14, 2016

(Also, don't forget other factors, such as sexual orientation, gender identity, and disabilities.)

Just a madman with a box
Registered: Aug 2010
From Netherlands
Posted June 14, 2016

Yeah, that is hard, especially in an online community. And yes, one of the most difficult things is staying objective and rational, rather than letting emotions cloud your judgment too much.