Posted June 14, 2016

ADD Jumping Bean
Registered: Nov 2013
From United States

Durik - Half-Orc
Registered: Dec 2013
From Italy
Posted June 14, 2016
Post edited June 14, 2016 by phaolo

You're in my spot
Registered: Apr 2012
From Poland
Posted June 14, 2016
Because of [attached].
I used to be against moderation here too. But eventually stuff like this changed my mind. Some lines need be drawn. I'm talking about something very basic- no death threats, no advocating murder and violence. So far GOG made sure we can't say "fuck" in capital letters, but we can still say that all the filthy jews/feminists/muslims/etc. should be put in gas chambers. I think there is something wrong with that picture.
I used to be against moderation here too. But eventually stuff like this changed my mind. Some lines need be drawn. I'm talking about something very basic- no death threats, no advocating murder and violence. So far GOG made sure we can't say "fuck" in capital letters, but we can still say that all the filthy jews/feminists/muslims/etc. should be put in gas chambers. I think there is something wrong with that picture.
crosmando_b.png (21 Kb)
crosmando_c.png (25 Kb)
infinite9_a.png (54 Kb)
starmaker_2.png (26 Kb)

ADD Jumping Bean
Registered: Nov 2013
From United States

Born butt first. Doc said, It's an asshole!
Registered: Dec 2014
From Portugal
Posted June 14, 2016
low rated
Well, I've been chatting with Zeo, and we do seem to be in permanent disagreement, so I'll share two cautionary tales I was reminded of & I'll ask him to share his opinion at length. Then whoever at GOG is stuck with reading all this tripe can quit his job & go somewhere that's more worthy of his time.
I was at the Telltale Forums right from the get go & it was a pleasant enough community. Eventually, as these things go, one or two posters got restless & volunteer mods came to be. It went to shit faster than Tiffany Mynx taking a laxative after eating a burrito or two.
The second is The Tale of Sapience and The Lord of the Rings Online, a paid Community Manager that went on a very bad power trip & got himself a handful of mentally disabled sheep which proceeded to raze the forums, getting rid of anyone who didn't bow down before the girth of Almighty Sapience. Needless to say, those people quit the game too. I think the game was at a historic player low, then. It seemed to have gotten better after Sap went off on a Grand New Adventure in Fuckit Idontcare.
So if you want to moderate your forums, please pay very close attention to who you're getting. No Social Justice Retards, please. You know what those people do to whatever it is they touch. They always "know better" & have "many ideas to improve what's obviously wrong".
I was at the Telltale Forums right from the get go & it was a pleasant enough community. Eventually, as these things go, one or two posters got restless & volunteer mods came to be. It went to shit faster than Tiffany Mynx taking a laxative after eating a burrito or two.
The second is The Tale of Sapience and The Lord of the Rings Online, a paid Community Manager that went on a very bad power trip & got himself a handful of mentally disabled sheep which proceeded to raze the forums, getting rid of anyone who didn't bow down before the girth of Almighty Sapience. Needless to say, those people quit the game too. I think the game was at a historic player low, then. It seemed to have gotten better after Sap went off on a Grand New Adventure in Fuckit Idontcare.
So if you want to moderate your forums, please pay very close attention to who you're getting. No Social Justice Retards, please. You know what those people do to whatever it is they touch. They always "know better" & have "many ideas to improve what's obviously wrong".

Ordained Dudeist
Registered: Jul 2011
From Greece

Hello World
Registered: May 2009
From Canada
Posted June 14, 2016
Not even joking. I like to be surprised so when I see a two paragraphs (or more) message from KingBradley, I always wonder what it's gonna be, the guy has a certain train of thought and a way to write it that makes it entertaining even if the content in itself can "facepalm material".

Ordained Dudeist
Registered: Jul 2011
From Greece
Posted June 14, 2016

I used to be against moderation here too. But eventually stuff like this changed my mind. Some lines need be drawn. I'm talking about something very basic- no death threats, no advocating murder and violence. So far GOG made sure we can't say "fuck" in capital letters, but we can still say that all the filthy jews/feminists/muslims/etc. should be put in gas chambers. I think there is something wrong with that picture.

New User
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted June 14, 2016

New User
Registered: Jan 2014
From United States

Durik - Half-Orc
Registered: Dec 2013
From Italy

You're in my spot
Registered: Apr 2012
From Poland
Posted June 14, 2016
I know. But, hard as it may be to believe, I don't watch all the threads 24/7 :D And I don't always remember to take a screenshot for evidence.
Goes without saying. Though spam like that at least is usually disposed of.
Goes without saying. Though spam like that at least is usually disposed of.
Post edited June 14, 2016 by Breja

vaccines work she/her
Registered: Jan 2010
From United States
Posted June 14, 2016

""Silly" as in teh hate/homophobic speech = suspension/ban."

I don't know you (?), sooo... this is why I softly-softly tread. Likeee... one can be silly/dumb/annoying and even offensive in their views - which is still kinda Bad (trademark pending) in a jackass way - BUT Imma talking peeps that use teh hate and homophobic slurs against others as teh kind of reason I'd see immediate suspensions/bans. Anyone that purposely tries to offend over long periods probs should get a slap on their ickle, dainty wrists, but it's not likeee say-one-thing-and-BAM. Y'know?
I get teh feeling some peeps think they won't be able to be 'silly' any more, which seems... silly.
You can have good fun without having to do so at the expense of others.

Durik - Half-Orc
Registered: Dec 2013
From Italy
Posted June 14, 2016

Born butt first. Doc said, It's an asshole!
Registered: Dec 2014
From Portugal
Posted June 14, 2016

Besides, I'm not talking about saying only nice things all the time. I'm talking about respect for the people around you and how you convey your message, not the message itself.

It's one thing to toss a slur - it's another thing to threaten or otherwise mistreat someone based on or regardless of their race and/or sex.