skimmie: Don't worry, I appreciate a good discussion :) I guess we have a fundamentally different opinion here though.
Which is fine. Even if we don't end up agreeing, we'll at least learn to disagree civilly, which in itself is already a valid reason for disagreeing to begin with.
skimmie: My point is that it's really not okay for any civilised public community to accept its members to be exposed to racism, sexist behaviour and the like, and tools should be in place to do something about that. Since giving these tools to its regular members is out of the question, I'm of the opinion that therefore the forum owners should uphold these basics of civilised interaction instead.
For this, I would have to refer you to what I posted just before I read this here: Just add sexist in front of racist in every sentence & that's my opinion of it. I exhort you to, from now on, pay more attention to acts than to words.
Actions are a much more easily proven intent, can't be dismissed as merely perceived slights, and will help you form a much better & accurate opinion of the person who's doing them.
People who say nice things all the time are usually extremely fake & you're only setting yourself up for a major disappointment if you invest in them. There, I just saved you half a lifetime of tears.
skimmie: Oh, and on a personal, but related note - I can cope with this behaviour just fine (learned to a long time ago). I work in an environment where I have to deal with such behaviour on a weekly basis. When I'm at home, relaxing and enjoying my free time, I *could* ignore them, but I don't want to even have to :)
You'll have to. So do I. Just be glad we both have such a good life that we get to be annoyed at these little things. Chin up.