Posted October 29, 2021
low rated

I had a cash refund request last month that took literally 24 days to get a response from. That's unacceptable to me. If you're so backed up from heavy support traffic then you need to hire another body, because that's been the excuse for over a year now. If I buy something on Steam it doesn't matter if I want a refund to my Steam Wallet or cash. It takes the same amount of time for Steam to get back to me.
I share the feeling and experience with omst of those Galaxy issues. Uninstalling games is liable to break it, and you'll need a client restart.
The biggest thing for me that made me consider moving back to Steam was the fact that too many games are missing features or content here compared to the Steam versions. There's too many instances of games with missing achievements (which I don't think is a huge deal, but I understand it is for others), or more importantly actual patches, features, and content that is missing on GOG versions. I've even seen DLC missing here that is actually free on Steam. It just makes me feel like crap when I buy a game on GOG and I find out it's outdated or missing features. I feel like I need to do a thorough investigation before I even buy something here, and that shouldn't happen.
The GOG Store itself is a complete mess. There's no organization at all with how ownership is marked, and Steam is far better in that regard. Here on GOG if I own say a complete edition of a game it still won't show me as owning everything beneath it or sold individually. There's DLC that doesn't show up on the actual games store page and must be searched for individually. Wasteland 3 for example has an Expansion Pass, but if you look at teh actual store page for Wasteland 3 you'd never know it. The individual DLC is there, but the Expansion Pass is missing. The Expansion Pass even came late to GOG and I had to freaking contact inExile to get it on the store.
I mean, the idea behind GOG is good and all, but it's absolutely not worth it when you have all the issues on top of it. From September 2020 - 2021 every game I bought was on GOG during that time. During that time I had more issues with my purchases, and spent more time talking to customer support than I ever did in 17 years on Steam. No joke.
Look, I still buy on GOG, and I just bought Subverse the other day to support GOG and those kinds of titles, but most of my money is going to be spent on Steam going forward. GOG and offline installers aren't worth the issues most of the time, and to be honest if a game is sold here on GOG it's almost always DRM free on Steam also. We'll use CD Projekts own games as an example here and something liek The Witcher 3 is exactly the same on Steam and GOG. Both DRM free and both I can do whatever I want with.
GOG just doesn't have the games either. I mean, the real wake up for me was seeing one fo the recent Bethesda publisher sales, and seeing people still begging and whining about an 11 year old game still not ever being released here. My leisure time is far too valuable to me to be sitting here worried about what's going to come to GOG or not. You guys could have been playing the shit out of Skyrim 11 years ago when it came out on Steam, or even 6 years ago when the Special Edition released. Steam or GOG is fine with me, and I don't care which at this point anymore.
I'll still buy some things on GOG, and I'm not someone that feels the need to have all my games on a single store, but I'm done prioritizing GOG like I did this past year, and if there's any feeling of missing features from a game, be it achievements, or anything else that I might not even care about, then I'm going to Steam for that purchase.
biggest issue is the not up to date and missing features games compared to steam
the support is bad and clearly underfunded