Posted September 04, 2024
kai2: Although short of seppuku, it was not so long ago that a CEO of a Japanese corporation -- faced with a staggering blunder like Concord -- would have stepped down. Does this still happen? Will it happen? Guess we'll see. This is certainly a staggering blunder.
Its not happening because to be brutally honest, Sony has become more of a US company. Concord was developed by Firewalk Studios which is a US company (operating in Washington) and Sony Interactive Entertainment (responsible for Playstation) moved their headquarters to the US (California) a while ago. The current CEO is also an American (previously Jim Ryan, now Hermen Hulst will be takingh over management of the studios while Hideaki Nishino will be CEO of the platform business).
I donnt know if its guaranteed but yeah, if it was Japanese then I think the head would quit. Sakaguchi quit Square after the movie Spirits Within was a financial flop (shame since although it was a flop, it had a huge influence in CGI and gaming). Tabata quit Square Enix as well after Final Fantasy 15 flopped hard. Its not guaranteed but you do see leadership quit after a very huge financial failure of a project but these are resignations so its not like the company forced them to quit (ofcourse we cant be sure and there likely could be internal pressure).
But we arnt going to see heads roll for the failure of games like Dustborn or Concord On the contrary, we have seen the Dustborn devs pull out the Hollywood playbook of attacking the audience as -ists because they didnt buy their crappy game.