Posted March 22, 2023

Yes, now please regale us with how "take it or leave it" is technically a "choice" and "it's just the way the world works" etc etc etc. The fact remains that "take it or leave it" does not lend itself to being made freely by a person as there is an imbalance between their respective negotiating power and that of the one offering such a "choice."
I *did* choose "leave it" rather than accept DRM. PC gaming was essentially dead to me for well over a decade+ because I would not put up with the manipulative terms of "accept DRM, or don't game." We wouldn't be in the current predicament if more people back then had made the same "choice" I had and refused Scheme.
Yes, even Square Enix as a huge company will have to take care for their actions. Not so long ago a director was suggesting "go get a PS5" because the PC gamers, which basically means "Steam", was demanding a PC copy... and of course "on time". The director, short time after had to spell out a excuse because he was feeling the strong power and that basically no one could go "against" it. However, i highly doubt it will be for the best of all having some sort of "dictator-force" able to make everyone move according to their likings. Ultimately the gamers are not the "master-chiefs" when it comes to this construct... they may notice it as soon as Steam is "stripping" them from their reights, because the true "reins" is still on another spot... but the community is basically "handing out the power, as a symbiotic matter".
To me, the "perfect world" is a world in which every direction and way is considered equally... not a world "few poles", actually one single-pole, are basically dictating everything and all the others simply will have to shut their mouth. This is one of the most non-free condition someone can have... and not even the sheer mass of games can still "make me free" in a environment which is actually a huge "jail"... almost no one can break out of it anymore. Indeed a big controversy that a majority actually is enjoying this sort of jail. Although i never ever had the feeling the majority want to be free; this may be their own perception, not mine... and diversity is usually having many difficultys.
What would i do if i were in charge?
Generally i would consider PC market and console market 2 different matters, both with a high importance and with different gamers, only a handful of gamers using both at once in a regular way (such as myself). So it can be considered mainly different customers with a different approach and both will have to be taken into account.
Ultimately to me, from a economical perspective with some "common sense", i would try to support the 3 "strongest" forces on a certain spot, so the 3 strongest for PC and the 3 strongest for console at least. In this term GoG and Epic can be considered a part of it, aswell Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft. All the others... i may try to support them if it is possible from a economical perspective. In many terms it may be possible in term of "special offers" handed out... and in general, there is many special offers possible, especially for the owner of big franchises, so i think the chance for making it happen and trying to support several spots is still possible. However, i do understand when it comes to the first year... the strongest could be prefered because it simply will make it easyer fixing stuff. Although, what i do not get is why they can not spell out a certain release for some platforms, GoG and some others, no matter in term 1 year into the future... simply handing out a clear agreement and trying to build trust with "alternate customers"... this is in my mind critical and important for a healthy economy with many voices and several poles (for each market).
Post edited March 22, 2023 by Xeshra