Posted March 20, 2023

But do I think they're anything more than a very loud, very tiny minority? I do not.
Just as I don't think every Tesla owner is a raving Musk worshipper
Most people use Steam because that what you have to do, it wasn't a choice, because its a prerequisite to play PC games.

i am not saying that they "wotship" steam, but when offered a choice they would rather use it than not. beacuse if you are right, then when the same game is sold in different stores (e.g. steam, gOg, epic,, then steam should not have such a large market share. but they do - given the choice most people still buy a game on steam (not because they are forced to, but beacuse they want to)
(and do not fall into the fallacy that most people think like you - they do not)
Though I do think we need to clear up a the multiple overlapping parts of this
1) Steams Rise to power
The Myth
Gaben swooped from the heavens to Save PC gaming by setting up a digital promised land. Gamers threw their physical media aside and marched into Gaben's downloadable utopia.
The Reality
In 2004 the decades most anticipated game had Steam as a prerequisite, with much grumbling and swearing millions of 56K modems screeched in a new era. A few Digital elite with 64K or 128K Broadband lines chuckled with superiority.
By 2006 a handful of 3rd party games also had Steam as a prerequisite, a few years later the majority of games required Steam.
During that time the vast majority of PC gamers were still tied to Physical media, the speed and costs of Digital downloading were prohibitive for most. Only a handful of people would have actively chosen Steam, for everyone else the choice was Create a Steam Account or simply miss out on the vast majority of games. Nearly every one (including me) put up with Steam and chose the former.
The idea people actively chose Steam over another viable option (such as steam-less physical media) is rubbish. There was no choice other than swap to console (which many people did) or ditch the hobby.
2) No Steam, No Buy
These guys are a tiny minority, just like "No GoG, No Buy". Most people if there is no other option will buy a game they want on Epic or Origin or uPlay.
3) People actively choosing Steam when starting PC gaming.
People are not looking and comparing Steam, Epic and GoG when they start PC gaming. They're not choosing Steam because of all its functions. They hear about a brand new game and think "That sounds cool", they then go and look for it online, and when they do the chances are its Steam only.
Yes its a far better situation than it was 5 years back, but still the vast majority of PC games are only on Steam. Again the choice is Create a Steam Account or simply miss out on the vast majority of games. Nearly every one will chose the former.
4) Existing Steam users will prefer Steam over another option
Yes, I fully agree. If given the choice a Steam user will much prefer to stick with the system they know an buy there. However, for most games its not like they actually had a choice since they Steam only anyway.