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There are certain games that most people are going crazy over, but you just don't see the appeal at all.

For me:

Assassin's Creed (any)-I don't get it. I find the missions to be very linear and boring. It does so many things, but doesn't do any of them well. The stealth and combat gameplay feels very basic and unrewarding, and the world feels very artificial.

GTA 5 - On the presentation side of things, this game shines and is probably the best looking open world game to date. Unfortunately, everything else is pretty below average in my opinion, from the forgettable characters to the story. The missions are also very uninspired, and often extremely linear and boring. There is no skill involved in this, duck, auto aim and shoot, duck, regen health, move on. There is no player agency or freedom of movement or choice. Even heists, that should promote player choice are criminally linear and very easy. There are no interesting side activities to speak of, and the map is pretty lifeless on that front. The gun combat is also very weak and guns lack impact. Overall, very very overrated.

Halo 4 - My first Halo game and the story campaign was a chore to get through. There was lot of technical jargon being thrown around so the story was hard to follow and the weapons all felt very weak. The enemies were nameless aliens and creatures with no personality.

This is all from me for now. Share your choices. Hvae fun.
I too think that GTA V (and GTA 4 for that matter) are very bland games. They have nice graphics and probably the most expensive voice acting among games but the world feels like a faccade and the gameplay gets old really fast. I understand their appeal though, but in my opinion they don't deserve the success they got.

Guild Wars 2 is another game that was more hype than everything else. I don't understand, why this mediocre MMO gets praised as innovative and different.

I found Super Mario Galaxy very boring; probably because it was too easy. Today Nintendo seems to think, a few extra stars who are hard to get makes a game appealing for gamers who want to be challenged. Didn't work for me.

I'm completely out of the loop regarding the appeal of Angry Birds. After playing just one level I was so annoyed of its graphics, sounds, gameplay, everything... really, I don't get it.
Post edited October 26, 2015 by Graubert
Every GTA, every Halo, every Call of Duty, every Battlefield, every Resident Evil, every Tekken, any MMO like World of Warcraft/Guildwars/etc..... well, most bestsellers actually. It's just like with most movies that are made in Hollywood.
Post edited October 26, 2015 by Klumpen0815
This question seems to be asked quite often now. Same as always GTA4 which killed off GTA series and R* for me. Dark Souls, people try to explain it to me, I hated everything about it. COD > 2, the first two were great, then it went downhill. Pretty ,much 95% of jRPG/Anime Porn games, they are just dreadful. Half Life 2, yawn, play with gravity gun, yawn, look we have a gravity gun, yawn. All MMO's. All steam/origin/uplay only games. Halo.
Post edited October 26, 2015 by nightcraw1er.488
Hm, I don't know about "dislike"; I guess I "dislike" some lesser known but sometimes praised indie titles like Evoland or Richard & Alice that I found to be quite mediocre and boring (what do people see in them?). And I don't have any interest in some of the popular games only because they are in genres that don't interest me at all, like strategy or military shooters or stealth. As for very well received games that I don't like as much as most others do ...

To tell the truth I tried to play Deus Ex more than once because it's so well liked, and I just can't get into it. I always abandon the game after the tutorial, because I guess the setting and characters don't really draw me in and I get bored very quickly with the first mission ...

I also stopped playing The Witcher in the second (?) chapter (the one in the city), and wasn't all that impressed by this point. The forced backtracking via long, fenced-off roads in chapter 1 and the first, irritating boss fight with the unskippable long dialogues preceding it were quite horribly designed.

And while I acknowledge the historical importance of Baldur's Gate, I think in comparison to its sequel it wasn't all that great; most of the plot wasn't much more interesting to me than the stories of the Icewind Dales.
I never understood the hype about the Gothic games, the controls are clumsy and weird, the skillsystem is pretty dumb and fun-killing and the fights are so over-complicated.
Really, I don`t understand how those games have been so successful. In my eyes, the Gothic games are a huge pile of crap.
Metal Gear Solid or most other PS exclusive games made by Japanese devs.
Nobody mention Diablo 3, Starcraft 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, Mass Effect 3 yet?

Or they are not well received?
Klumpen0815: Resident Evil
Oh come on, I can understand hating the action-RE's starting with 4, but the original trilogy was pure gold. Even if you don't like the tank controls and fixed perspective, you have to admire the soundtrack, atmosphere and story.
I doubt they'll ever be games with more unnerving-yet-beautiful music than RE 1-3.
Baldur's Gate II, such a weird tonal shift compared to the original, and is little more than a linear, predictable, power-fantasy, yet well received and has rabid fanbase even today. If it had been completely unrelated to it's namesake, I would have given it a pass. I mostly dislike it because it pretends to be a sequel to Baldur's Gate, which it is in only the most contrived way possible. Otherwise it's a fine uninspired power-fantasy.

Dragon Age Inquisition, so boring, so console-y, so uninspired, yet well received by review sites and the biodrones. It's a game which offends mostly in its mediocrity. It's not technically bad in any particular way, it's just meh in all aspects, gameplay, story, mechanics.... the only offensive part is the console interface of PCs. Unforgivable. A game designed by a committee for the least common denominator.

Gone Home, a thoroughly uninspired walking simulator, with the most anticlimactic and pseudo-intellectual "twist", yet well received in general. It could have been something, it's like watching a promising youth starting to experiment with heroin. Just sad. And I tend to like walking simulators a lot, I'm not holding that against it.

Hotline Miami, I just don't get it and the atmosphere is annoying to me. It's too busy and it kinda gets the decade wrong. Psychedelic 60s or maybe 70s but 80? Hell no, that was all cocaine man! If the gameplay is good, I wouldn't know, I can't get past the constantly tilting screen. Lot of people adore this game, but it's not for me.

World of Warcraft, I tried it for a month back in the day of the Burning Crusade and it was memorable, no doubt.. but strangely the more I played the less I liked it. It felt more like a chore, less like a game. Still lots of fans and favorable reviews.
Maxvorstadt: I never understood the hype about the Gothic games, the controls are clumsy and weird, the skillsystem is pretty dumb and fun-killing and the fights are so over-complicated.
Really, I don`t understand how those games have been so successful. In my eyes, the Gothic games are a huge pile of crap.
May I ask, how long you tried to play it? For me, they are the best open world RPG-games ever made. I enjoyed them more than any Elder Scrolls game (which I love too). Yes, the controls are weird which makes fights a bit complicated and skill-based... but it also gives you the possibility to defeat enemies at every level (here someone beats a troll at level 0 with a wooden stick ... don't watch the whole video, it's boring ;)) ... The controls in Gothic 3 are more streamlined though.

Once you get behind the controls, you have one of the most atmospheric games (especially Gothic 2), a vibrant immersive world and a good story. The voice acting in german and the beautiful soundtrack are also top notch.
Post edited October 26, 2015 by Graubert
Maxvorstadt: I never understood the hype about the Gothic games, the controls are clumsy and weird, the skillsystem is pretty dumb and fun-killing and the fights are so over-complicated.
Really, I don`t understand how those games have been so successful. In my eyes, the Gothic games are a huge pile of crap.
Graubert: May I ask, how long you tried to play it? For me, they are the best open world RPG-games ever made. I enjoyed them more than any Elder Scrolls game (which I love too). Yes, the controls are weird which makes fights a bit complicated and skill-based... but it also gives you the possibility to defeat enemies at every level (here someone beats a troll at level 0 with a wooden stick ... don't watch the whole video, it's boring ;)) ... The controls in Gothic 3 are more streamlined though.

Once you get behind the controls, you have one of the most atmospheric games (especially Gothic 2), a vibrant immersive world and a good story. The voice acting in german and the beautiful soundtrack are also top notch.
Well, I tried the Gothic games and the biggest fault is the skill system. You can`t level up a skill when you have skill points, no man, you have to pay gold, too. And the biggest thing is, that you have to find the right teacher who can be somewhere in the whole gameworld. It`s no fun to walk through the whole world only to find a specific trainer to level up a skill you want/need. The system in the Elder Scrolls games is much better. You can use a trainer, but you don`t need to find one to level up your skills. Even the skill system in the Two Worlds games is better than that in the Gothic games.
Maxvorstadt: In my eyes, the Gothic games are a huge pile of crap.
I would never say anything like this about any of the games I listed (not even Richard & Alice!), and I almost regret participating in this discussion when I read inflammatory statements like that. Of course, you're entitled to your opinion, but I can't take it seriously if you express it that way. ;)

Anyway, I played Gothic for the first time a few years ago, and while I couldn't relate to those saying it's the best RPG ever, IMO it does have its charm. I guess what people like most about it is the atmosphere, the free exploration aspect, combined with the lack of level scaling, which adds to the sense of danger, and the fact that NPCs in Gothic have a life of their own and don't just stand around all day and night waiting for the PC to talk to them.
Gnostic: Nobody mention Diablo 3, Starcraft 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, Mass Effect 3 yet?

Or they are not well received?
Yours is the eighth post only. ;)

I haven't even played the first three, and while the fourth is flawed I still had fun with it.
Maxvorstadt: In my eyes, the Gothic games are a huge pile of crap.
Leroux: I would never say anything like this about any of the games I listed (not even Richard & Alice!), and I almost regret participating in this discussion when I read inflammatory statements like that. Of course, you're entitled to your opinion, but I can't take it seriously if you express it that way. ;)

Anyway, I played Gothic for the first time a few years ago, and while I couldn't relate to those saying it's the best RPG ever, IMO it does have its charm. I guess what people like most about it is the atmosphere, the free exploration aspect, combined with the lack of level scaling, which adds to the sense of danger, and the fact that NPCs in Gothic have a life of their own and don't just stand around all day and night waiting for the PC to talk to them.
Yeah, the world is huge and alive, but I can`t simply enjoy it with such a dumb skill system which forces me to walk for hours only to find the right teacher. If there was a patch that fixes the skill system and the fighting mechanics, I would jump into the Gothic games without hesitation. The biggest annoyance for me is, that the game could be real fun but it wasted it`s potencial by using such dumb mechanics.
Post edited October 26, 2015 by Maxvorstadt
Skyrim, it just felt too sterile to me compared to the previous Elder Scrolls games.