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50%-80% off Worms 2, Worms World Party Remastered, Superfrog, The Escapists and more!

Who doesn't love teams? We certainly do. Especially the ones that take the weirdest, coolest ideas and turn them into good, silly fun. Join as we celebrate 25 years of one such team's game-making achievements in our Weekly Staff Picks: <span class="bold">Team17's Free Worm Up</span>. Enjoy a treat on the house and grab your free copy of Worms: Forts Under Siege but don't forget to also check out the 50-80% discounts applied to Team17's adorable catalogue for three whole days.

You would expect all invertebrates to be cowards, but Worms are the fiercest warriors you'll ever meet. So it is no coincidence that they can handle the zaniest, punchiest, most hilarious weapons you'll (n)ever see deployed in warfare. Master their bloodthirsty ways and dig into the beloved Worms series that changed hot-seat multiplayer forever.

Being locked up can really dampen your mood. But not for The Escapists who go about everyday prison life in the most carefree way imaginable. Probably because they know you'll help them taste freedom soon. Pick the perfect escape route, learn your captors' daily routines and execute your spectacular breakout with or without the help of Rita Hayworth!

But please, don't excuse yourself from the party just yet! Once you've secured your free copy of Worms: Forts Under Siege make sure to check out the rest of Team17's catalogue going for up to 80% off. That includes: Worms 2 and Worms World Party Remastered, the charming platformers Superfrog and Superfrog HD, plus all available DLCs for The Escapists. <span class="bold">Team17's Free Worm Up</span> will last until December 17, 10:59 AM GMT.
I own Forts as retail already and found it to be the worst out of the Worms I've played. But you can't complain about free games.
NightRomantic: I know Russia is a third-world country, but still feel a bit disappointed. Game is free for other people, but is 9 roubles for us Russians. It's *super-cheap*, I know, but... it isn't free! ))
HypersomniacLive: I don't follow - what does "Russia is a third-world country" have to do with anything?
Obviously this person doesn't respect his own country and expects for others to do the same (i.e. it wasn't a bug - GOG did it intentionally to mock at Russians).
Inferiority complex. :/
Grargar: [snip]
IwubCheeze: Bought the game right after seeing your post. I did a quick deathmatch game and one of the missions and so far the game is working great. Thanks so much for fixing it :)
I don't think Grargar had a hand in fixing it, unless he secretly works for Team17. ; ) I would imagine he just copy-pasted the changelog from his library. Admittedly, it would have made it more clear had he enclosed the changelog info in [ quote ]...[ /quote ] tags, and preceded it with something like "From the changelog:". But he probably assumed no one would mistake him for one of the devs. =D
Grargar: It did receive two patches.

Patch 1134 (16th November 2015)

We really hope that you’ve been enjoying Worms World Party Remastered over the last few months. We been listening to your feedback and we know that there are ways that the game can be improved and we’ve been working towards making it a better experience.

Frontend upgraded for a high resolution experience at 1080p.
The game now runs at 60 fps on recommended specs
Alt tab issue improved: alt-tabbing/minimizing no longer breaks the game but you will have to click the WWPR shortcut to get back into the game
Added control scheme page for keyboard in the Option menu
Various improvements on the pad controls
Various improvements on the mouse sensitivity

Some of the issues we encountered ended up being harder to fix than we first thought, which delayed this update, but we are committed to supporting Worms World Party Remastered and the awesome Worms Community. We appreciate your patience. Now go drop some concrete donkeys on your enemies...

Patch 1101 (20th July 2015)

This patch addresses crashing issues such as when the Worms hit the water.
IwubCheeze: Bought the game right after seeing your post. I did a quick deathmatch game and one of the missions and so far the game is working great. Thanks so much for fixing it :)
Same. This was basically the only game I could install at one time on my 1GB HDD, Windows 95 computer back in the day, and I have some fond memories of it. I was really disappointed to see the state the remaster launched in, but this is great news. Thanks for getting it into shape and the free game, Team17 and GOG!
Thanks GOG & Team17!
Thanks for yet another free game.
Team17 and GOG, I know that you know, but still: I love you! ;) Both of you! Spent quite an amount of time in Worms: Forts Under Siege (as well as some other games in the series) when it was originally released - great game! So thank you again, developers, for my happy youth and for continuing to be awesome.
Post edited December 14, 2015 by Mikots
Seriously, I love that GOG picked up the right freebie. Worms Forts Under Siege is one of these games I loved when I was a child, and having GOG make a freebie out of that is seriously the best move they've done after I permanently moved here. Thank you, GOG and Team17! You made up my tiring Monday a joyous and nostalgic one :)
Nice freebie. Thanks GOG & Team17. Let's worm up! :)
Love it!

I played Worms Armageddon with my friends and family back in the day. I beat all campaign goals so that I could super customize the matches, and made my own image files to import as maps. So much non-regretted time!

I will have to try out the 3D-ness and see if I enjoy it as much!

And when Worms Armageddon comes to GOG, I will be buying several copies to relive those glory days!

Thanks again GOG!!!!! Happy Holidays!
HypersomniacLive: Never played a Worms game before, so this looks like my chance to check the series out - thanks Team17 and GoG!
ReynardFox: Too bad the free game is a spin off with different, inferior gameplay to the real Worms games.

Where's Worms Armageddon guys?
This. Does Armageddon not work well on Windows 7, 8 and 10? Or is there a dumb reason it's not on gog yet? :\
Happy anniversary, Team 17! Thank you and GOG for the freebie.

And we are still waiting for Worms Armageddon! ;)
park_84: Worms could be used as an example of unnecessary change to 3D, the third dimension not only doesn't add much to the gameplay but makes it overly complicated, the game is just more fun being restricted to a 2D environment. Anyway, there are some people that like these 3D Worms more than the 2D ones...
I'd have never expected that people would actually want to have worms! ;-)

vsr: Obviously this person doesn't respect his own country and expects for others to do the same (i.e. it wasn't a bug - GOG did it intentionally to mock at Russians).
Inferiority complex. :/
This is a silly notion, GOG has adapted to the realities of the Russian market, and their regional pricing speaks for itself.
Post edited December 14, 2015 by HypersomniacLive
Post edited December 15, 2015 by Marioface5
ReynardFox: Too bad the free game is a spin off with different, inferior gameplay to the real Worms games.

Where's Worms Armageddon guys?
haydenaurion: This. Does Armageddon not work well on Windows 7, 8 and 10? Or is there a dumb reason it's not on gog yet? :\
Yeah, we've been waiting for Worms Armageddon for years!