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Up to 80% off Wizardry 8, Paper Sorcerer, Avernum 2, the Eschalon trilogy, and more!

Did you notice? Spring is almost upon us! Birds are chirping, girls are blooming, snowflakes glimmer in the sun. But the important thing is, moods are changing as well. The season calls for happy faces, friendly embraces, a spring in your step. If that role doesn't suit you, however, you can choose to play a different one instead: that of a mage, a warrior, a thief, or even a lizardman. So don't let the season dictate how you feel, just open one of those scrumptious, heavily discounted <span class="bold">Spring Rolls</span>, roll the dice, and unleash your own personal mood.

The Empire rules the surface but deep in the cavernous underworld a group of heroes seek the crystal souls, hoping to also find a way to repel the imperial invaders. Multiple playable races, dozens of towns to visit, and over 60 spells and abilities to master make Avernum 2 a turn-based RPG of great depth, both literally and figuratively.

With the world circling a vortex of all-engulfing darkness, it falls upon your heroic group to try and reach the Cosmic Circle using any means necessary, in order to avert the upcoming cataclysm. Take advantage of the different story paths of Wizardry 8 and bring the acclaimed series to the epic conclusion that you have imagined.

You started out as a nameless amnesiac but soon your adventures through the unforgiving, isometric world of Eschalon escalated immensely. You came to doubt your origins and your place in the world but with unlimited character development options and a gazillion of customizable traits, this saga's outcome is bound to feel quite personal.

<span class="bold">Spring Rolls</span> in and some hefty discounts on hardcore role-playing games roll out! Go and pick your class, your race, or your quest of choice and greet the spring with Geneforge Saga, Wizardry 6+7, or Avernum: Escape from the Pit. Just make sure you don't accidently put those in the water. The promo will last until March 11, 10:59 AM GMT.
IronArcturus: So the environment isn't random, but what about the battles?
omega64: Nope, enemies don't even return once you've killed them.
No grinding.
at least very little. grinding is possible in the catacombs if you want to, and there are 1 or 2 maps in the regular dungeon with respawning enemies.

but overall, almost all content in the game is fixed and the catacombs are optional.
omega64: Nope, enemies don't even return once you've killed them.
No grinding.
Grargar: Not 100% true. While the main dungeons themselves don't sport any random encounters, the secret levels do.
It's been a while. :P
IronArcturus: So the environment isn't random, but what about the battles?
omega64: Nope, enemies don't even return once you've killed them.
No grinding.
How many hours does the game last?
omega64: Nope, enemies don't even return once you've killed them.
No grinding.
IronArcturus: How many hours does the game last?
10-20 hours.
very nice games on the spring roll promo

i have all i can play, except for

Wizardry 8
Paper Sorcerer

my favorites are:

Avernum 2: Crystal Souls
Avernum: Escape From the Pit
Avernum: The Complete Saga
Geneforge Saga

Eschalon: Book I
Eschalon: Book II
Eschalon: Book III

this one is less favorite

Wizardry 6+7
BrokenBull: And the music is pretty good too. That battle music is catchy.
Agreed, that's good stuff too.

Next time I play I intended to use the secret technique to unlocked the KS-only party members.
Post edited March 07, 2016 by IAmSinistar
Have them, love them, though I will say the Wiz 6 interface was a lot more difficult than I remember to get through.
Looks like a nice pick...
I kinda miss being told "You own everything in this promo".
BrokenBull: And the music is pretty good too. That battle music is catchy.
IAmSinistar: Agreed, that's good stuff too.

Next time I play I intended to use the secret technique to unlocked the KS-only party members.
No hack needed, they are both available from the start....must have been patched in at some point.

Ack, seems i own all in the promo, shame :(
Post edited March 07, 2016 by DampSquib
DampSquib: No hack needed, they are both available from the start....must have been patched in at some point.
Oo, excellent! I looked at the Changelog to see if that had actually been done, but there was no indication. Quite probably it was either addressed silently, or done before GOG implemented proper Changelog tracking.

Nice to know they're in there proper, ta!
Hmhm! A chance to get Avernum 2! Will be hitting that, for sure, maybe tomorrow.
Also, now I'm craving spring rolls. So, thanks for that.
ssokolow: Normally, I wouldn't mind re-buying a game on GOG at 75% off just as a matter of principle, but my Humble Bundle copy of Paper Sorceror includes a Linux version and I have a strict policy of never re-buying on GOG if their offering lacks a Linux version I own elsewhere.
muntdefems: My case (and my thoughts) exactly.
Yep, I'd probably buy Paper Sorcerer if the Linux port wouldn't be absent.

BTW: Does anyone know whether Avernum 2 runs via WINE?
Nice, will get the titles which I don't have yet
I must play some of Spiderweb Software's demos, then I decide about them.