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Up to 75% off TotalBiscuit's favorites: Pillars of Eternity, Wasteland 2, S.T.A.L.K.E.R., Pharaoh + Cleopatra and more.

Love him or hate him, TotalBiscuit is a force to be reckoned with. He's the guy that millions of gamers listen to on a daily basis - whether it's first impressions, reviews, or his trademark cynical commentary on industry news, ins and outs - The Cynical Brit's influence on a generation of gamers can be hotly debated, but never denied. Today, we take a look at some of his favorites, his top bites, the 30+ games that <span class="bold">TotalBiscuit Recommends</span>:

From the creative minds of Chris Avellone, Tim Cain and Josh Sawyer comes Pillars of Eternity, where adventure continues beyond the gate. It's a critically lauded revival of the classic cRPG in the vein of Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale, to call it Obsidian Entertainment's spiritual sequel would be an understatement. Of course, that's not the only modern revival of old school favourites - Wasteland 2 is a sequel to the historic 1988 title that redefined RPG gameplay and inspired legendary titles like Fallout - full of multipathed quest solving, choice, consequence and maturity. Brilliant storytelling isn't just an RPG domain - classic point and click adventures like The Longest Journey or its big, action-adventure sister Dreamfall: The Longest Journey are known for featuring some of the most unique universes and best written tales in gaming. The list just goes on with some of absolutely top releases in gaming history including S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat, Mount & Blade, Pharaoh + Cleopatra, and so much more!

See TotalBiscuit's own take on this promo's biggest highlights!
<iframe width="775" height="436" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

This weekend, <span class="bold">TotalBiscuit Recommends</span> some of his favourite games ever. Check them out in our weekend promo, with deals up to 75% off lasting until Tuesday, July 21, 3:59 AM GMT.
Post edited July 17, 2015 by Konrad
TheCheese33: Incredibly disappointed in GOG's continued insistence on supporting TotalBiscuit. While I prefer to get my games DRM-free, I'll take Steam any day over a site that openly supports this jerk.
I'll probably regret asking this. So what is your actual problem with Total Biscuit, your reason for referring to him as a jerk. I've only started watching his reviews and sales videos over the last 6 months is it something prior to that?
avatar Love him or hate him, TotalBiscuit is a force to be reckoned with.
OlausPetrus: This is the first time I hear about TotalBiscuit. Some explanation who he is would have been nice.

Anyway, I find it funny that he recommends The Longest Journey and Dreamfall, but didn't recommend Dreamfall Chapters.
Probably just sticking to the titles that are confirmed on sale. Either wasn't on the list or the developers didn't want it on sale right at this point. Though still he could have just given a moments mention even if it wasn't in the sale as a FYI for anyone who didn't know.
Post edited July 17, 2015 by deonast
dannaz423: I'm not really sure what you mean. You word your statement as if TB is someone that doesn't use GOG or hardly even knows what it is. GOG sponsors his esports team, he has been on the site since 2008, his GOG strategy mix has been around for ages and he is a massive advocate for GOG and everything it stands for.
markrichardb: Maybe so, but you need wolfe's permission and the backing of three other council members to be inducted into the exclusive GoG community. I still await my application having completed the ritual of purification during the solstice.
did you twist three times to the left while holding a chicken aloft yelling "rah! rah! rah!"

if not, you should probably start there ;)
cyboff: nice promo, but GOG, please, sort out that "not owning deluxe edition when owning deluxe upgrade" bug finally, it's really annoying...
Indeed. And all its variants.

According to GOG, I own "Wasteland 2 Digital Deluxe Edition [Premium]" and "Wasteland 2 Digital Deluxe Edition Upgrade [DLC]", but not "Wasteland 2 Digital Classic Edition".
high rated
TheCheese33: Incredibly disappointed in GOG's continued insistence on supporting TotalBiscuit. While I prefer to get my games DRM-free, I'll take Steam any day over a site that openly supports this jerk.
deonast: I'll probably regret asking this. So what is your actual problem with Total Biscuit, your reason for referring to him as a jerk. I've only started watching his reviews and sales videos over the last 6 months is it something prior to that?
OlausPetrus: This is the first time I hear about TotalBiscuit. Some explanation who he is would have been nice.

Anyway, I find it funny that he recommends The Longest Journey and Dreamfall, but didn't recommend Dreamfall Chapters.
deonast: Probably just sticking to the titles that are confirmed on sale. Either wasn't on the list or the developers didn't want it on sale right at this point. Though still he could have just given a moments mention even if it wasn't in the sale as a FYI for anyone who didn't know.
You'll probably be disappointed. People that post things like that rarely have any evidence to back up their extremist claims.
high rated
TotalBiscuit: You'll probably be disappointed. People that post things like that rarely have any evidence to back up their extremist claims.
So assuming you're the person he mentioned, you're telling me you DIDN'T, in fact, go to his house and kick his puppy? ;)
TotalBiscuit: You'll probably be disappointed. People that post things like that rarely have any evidence to back up their extremist claims.
Ixamyakxim: So assuming you're the person he mentioned, you're telling me you DIDN'T, in fact, go to his house and kick his puppy? ;)
We all know the puppy was lying. Just wanted to get out of puppy training.
low rated
Post edited July 22, 2015 by summitus
high rated
TotalBiscuit: You'll probably be disappointed. People that post things like that rarely have any evidence to back up their extremist claims.
Ixamyakxim: So assuming you're the person he mentioned, you're telling me you DIDN'T, in fact, go to his house and kick his puppy? ;)
If someone hasn't claimed that in all sincerity yet then its only a matter of time before they do.
lostwolfe: [i am about to get flamed and/or downvoted to oblivion, i expect. so i will just put on some flame-resist gear and enjoy being in oblivion ;)]



i've said it once and i'll say it again:

if you guys are hell-bent on using "big celebrities" [something that makes me shrug], then you really should be looking to promote people in the gog community rather than people outside it.

eg: i'd be curious about a grargar recommendation sale. or an iamsinistar recommendation sale.

but yeah. not a fan of totalbiscuit. and am not really a fan of you folks "using" his draw power here, again.

[but that's just my own personal opinion.]
summitus: I agree , not everyone is a Total Biscuit sycophant. Wouldn't buy anything if he's involved in it.
You realise how silly this sounds, right? Someone else likes a good videogames SO I WONT BUY THEM.

Really? Man are you in for a rude awakening when you find out all the things you like are also liked by people you dislike.

As for "outside the community", I've been promoting GOG since 2008, I've maintained the most popular GoGmix on the site since then and I work directly with them on a professional basis producing content for them as well as regularly streaming on their channel, with the largest audience. How more involved do you want me to be exactly? I mean heck you've been around since 2010, I've been around since beta, I'm not sure you're really in a position to be dictating who is "part of the community" and who is not.

If you can't understand why it's good business to tap into large audiences to sell games then I don't know what to tell you.
Post edited July 17, 2015 by TotalBiscuit
Does Act of War have a windowed mode?
low rated
skinandbones13: Yep, those are 30 games alright.

I will never understand the popularity of TB. I mean, people give pewdiepie shit but at least he is having fun. TB is like an eighties text-to-speech program reading out a Wikipedia article. He just sounds utterly joyless when playing games.
He basically repeats whatever the popular sentiment in gaming is, but in a gimmicky character based way, he's Jim Sterling but with less of the cringe. I have no idea why he's ascended to the status he has, you can see random nobodies saying the exact same things he does (often before he does) in the top comments of any /r/gaming thread, the only difference is his videos caught fire and now he's a "gaming prophet" or some junk that you're not allowed to question.

I've yet to hear he come up with ANY original ideas or stances on ANYTHING but then again I try to avoid him these days as I find his fanboys just as bad (often worse) as the pewdiepie "bros" or whatever they call themselves.
wow great games on the list. maybe i'll finally bite the bullet on the gog version of stalker cop. it's cheaper now than during the summer sale.

also if anyone is on the fence about pillars of eternity and you loved Baldur's gate...try it. no game will please everyone but I think it does satisfy most fans of bg. :)
high rated
skinandbones13: Yep, those are 30 games alright.

I will never understand the popularity of TB. I mean, people give pewdiepie shit but at least he is having fun. TB is like an eighties text-to-speech program reading out a Wikipedia article. He just sounds utterly joyless when playing games.
NoNewTaleToTell: He basically repeats whatever the popular sentiment in gaming is, but in a gimmicky character based way, he's Jim Sterling but with less of the cringe. I have no idea why he's ascended to the status he has, you can see random nobodies saying the exact same things he does (often before he does) in the top comments of any /r/gaming thread, the only difference is his videos caught fire and now he's a "gaming prophet" or some junk that you're not allowed to question.

I've yet to hear he come up with ANY original ideas or stances on ANYTHING but then again I try to avoid him these days as I find his fanboys just as bad (often worse) as the pewdiepie "bros" or whatever they call themselves.
Gimmicky? Character based? We don't have a gimmick or a character on the channel. Strange attitude. Also saying I have no original ideas then admitting you don't watch the videos in the first place is a little silly, don't you think?
avatar Up to 75% off TotalBiscuit's favorites: Pillars of Eternity, Wasteland 2, S.T.A.L.K.E.R., Pharaoh + Cleopatra and more.

Love him or hate him, TotalBiscuit is a force to be reckoned with. He's the guy that millions of gamers listen to on a daily basis - whether it's first impressions, reviews, or his trademark cynical commentary on industry news, ins and outs - The Cynical Brit's influence on a generation of gamers can be hotly debated, but never denied. Today, we take a look at some of his favorites, his top bites, the 30+ games that <span class="bold">TotalBiscuit Recommends</span>:

From the creative minds of Chris Avellone, Tim Cain and Josh Sawyer comes Pillars of Eternity, where adventure continues beyond the gate. It's a critically lauded revival of the classic cRPG in the vein of Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale, to call it Obsidian Entertainment's spiritual sequel would be an understatement. Of course, that's not the only modern revival of old school favourites - Wasteland 2 is a sequel to the historic 1988 title that redefined RPG gameplay and inspired legendary titles like Fallout - full of multipathed quest solving, choice, consequence and maturity. Brilliant storytelling isn't just an RPG domain - classic point and click adventures like The Longest Journey or its big, action-adventure sister Dreamfall: The Longest Journey are known for featuring some of the most unique universes and best written tales in gaming. The list just goes on with some of absolutely top releases in gaming history including S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat, Mount & Blade, Pharaoh + Cleopatra, and so much more!

<span class="bold">See TotalBiscuit's own take on this promo's biggest highlights!</span>

This weekend, <span class="bold">TotalBiscuit Recommends</span> some of his favourite games ever. Check them out in our weekend promo, with deals up to 75% off lasting until Tuesday, July 21, 3:59 AM GMT.
What is a Totalbiscuit?
high rated
TotalBiscuit: [...]
"This just in: TotalBiscuit refuses to comment on the allegations that he kicks puppies for fun. If he doesn't do it, why doesn't he just say so?"
avatar Up to 75% off TotalBiscuit's favorites: Pillars of Eternity, Wasteland 2, S.T.A.L.K.E.R., Pharaoh + Cleopatra and more.

Love him or hate him, TotalBiscuit is a force to be reckoned with. He's the guy that millions of gamers listen to on a daily basis - whether it's first impressions, reviews, or his trademark cynical commentary on industry news, ins and outs - The Cynical Brit's influence on a generation of gamers can be hotly debated, but never denied. Today, we take a look at some of his favorites, his top bites, the 30+ games that <span class="bold">TotalBiscuit Recommends</span>:

From the creative minds of Chris Avellone, Tim Cain and Josh Sawyer comes Pillars of Eternity, where adventure continues beyond the gate. It's a critically lauded revival of the classic cRPG in the vein of Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale, to call it Obsidian Entertainment's spiritual sequel would be an understatement. Of course, that's not the only modern revival of old school favourites - Wasteland 2 is a sequel to the historic 1988 title that redefined RPG gameplay and inspired legendary titles like Fallout - full of multipathed quest solving, choice, consequence and maturity. Brilliant storytelling isn't just an RPG domain - classic point and click adventures like The Longest Journey or its big, action-adventure sister Dreamfall: The Longest Journey are known for featuring some of the most unique universes and best written tales in gaming. The list just goes on with some of absolutely top releases in gaming history including S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat, Mount & Blade, Pharaoh + Cleopatra, and so much more!

<span class="bold">See TotalBiscuit's own take on this promo's biggest highlights!</span>

This weekend, <span class="bold">TotalBiscuit Recommends</span> some of his favourite games ever. Check them out in our weekend promo, with deals up to 75% off lasting until Tuesday, July 21, 3:59 AM GMT.
B-Mehkind: What is a Totalbiscuit?
Some sort of yahtzee.