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Strategic Milestones: AI War, Capitalism, Jagged Alliance, Warlords Battlecry and more, up to 70% off!

Put on your thinking cap, slip on your business socks - it's business time. This weekend we're leveraging our core competencies with a compelling set of Strategic Milestones pending your review. That's 39 best-in-class products, at a customer-centric up to -70% discount.

Don't be a drone, fight the AI War. Outline your strategic plan in this state-of-the-art blend of galactic grand strategy, 4X, and planetary RTS gameplay. Colonize procedurally-generated galaxies of epic scale, and take on a bleeding edge network of artificial intelligence capable of cross-synergizing across entire star systems to take you down. Sick of drinking the corporate Kool-Aid? Make your own with Captialism Plus and Capitalism 2. Co-opete with laser-focus in the Jagged Alliance series, and... well you get the point.

Over 39 titles with a truly strategic soul are up to 70% off in this Strategic Milestones weekend promo, including Warlords Battlecry, Disciples, Anomaly series and so much more. Empower your thinking today! The promo will last until Tuesday, February 10 at 4:59 PM GMT.
UI feature that is annoying: having to click "more" to see the description

Also, if anyone has not picked up AI war yet, you should definitely do so. It's one of those games with so many layers of strategic depth and a great single/multiplayer experience.
Tarhiel: Strategy lovers will definitely find something in this promo :)

Not one of them, so I´ll pass.
Sargon: Not if you have all the interesting titles already.
That´ s the other possibility, yes :)
So, how do I tell which games that I've already owned?

There used to be an "OWNED" tag right beside the titles but now it is missing.

I can't even remove any games from the cart using FireFox on my PC or Chrome on my smartphone.
Post edited February 08, 2015 by Hattori
Not that it matters much... but I was interested in buying a game while I was using my iPad 4th gen. There are no details to be had on that device (on the promos page). No such thing as "hovering" on a tablet, and since you removed all "clicking" on the game title, there's not a way to get more details at all now.

By the way, same thing on the iPhone 6. I can't get any game details to show up.

Hattori: So, how do I tell which games that I've already owned?

There used to be an "OWNED" tag right beside the titles but now it is missing.

I can't even remove any games from the cart using FireFox on my PC or Chrome on my smartphone.
If you take a close look at the first game on the page, right above it will be a line that says "Games You Don't Own Yet". If you then scroll down a way, assuming there are some games you HAVE bought, you'll see another section that says "ITEMS YOU OWN".

This is the ONLY part of the promos page I like! :) And it's pretty subtle. Like you, I was expecting to see "OWNED" on some of the games, but this way, they've already clumped together the games you might be likely to buy.
Post edited February 08, 2015 by tritone
tritone: If you take a close look at the first game on the page, right above it will be a line that says "Games You Don't Own Yet". If you then scroll down a way, assuming there are some games you HAVE bought, you'll see another section that says "ITEMS YOU OWN".

This is the ONLY part of the promos page I like! :) And it's pretty subtle. Like you, I was expecting to see "OWNED" on some of the games, but this way, they've already clumped together the games you might be likely to buy.
It might not do that for Hattori since usually when I open the promo pages the games I already own are just not being displayed as part of the promo at all -- there is no "Items you own" category. It's either that or they're jumbled in to the mix but greyed out. So for me, it's not at all consistent in the way the page displays and it even varies for the same promo depending on the load.
I know I owned all the Jagged Alliance and Anomaly series, but the top shows "Games you don’t own yet 0/39" which is not helpful at all.
Hattori: I know I owned all the Jagged Alliance and Anomaly series, but the top shows "Games you don’t own yet 0/39" which is not helpful at all.
The promo should show all the games that you don't own on its upper part and all the games that you already own on its lower part, marked by text saying "Items you own" (see attached picture). Since all the games of this promo are 39, the text above says that you don't own any of the games from it. Are you sure the aformentioned games are in your account?
owned.jpg (136 Kb)
Post edited February 08, 2015 by Grargar
The UI for when viewing games in a bundle is buggy. Every time my cursor evens skims over a game, the page refreshes to the top of page to show reviews. Which means I have to scroll down again, carefully to see what other games are in the bundle. And if I hover to get the reviews, it does it all over again. First-world problems, it is irritating and makes me not want to look at any more games in the bundle.
madeaj: The UI for when viewing games in a bundle is buggy. Every time my cursor evens skims over a game, the page refreshes to the top of page to show reviews. Which means I have to scroll down again, carefully to see what other games are in the bundle. And if I hover to get the reviews, it does it all over again. First-world problems, it is irritating and makes me not want to look at any more games in the bundle.
Are you using Internet Explorer? This bug seems to have occurred to other people who used it.
madeaj: The UI for when viewing games in a bundle is buggy. Every time my cursor evens skims over a game, the page refreshes to the top of page to show reviews. Which means I have to scroll down again, carefully to see what other games are in the bundle. And if I hover to get the reviews, it does it all over again. First-world problems, it is irritating and makes me not want to look at any more games in the bundle.
Grargar: Are you using Internet Explorer? This bug seems to have occurred to other people who used it.
Yes I am. You're right and thank you. When I use Chrome it doesn't do the jump thing.
GOG, since "Good News" PR, TET leaving and new site design, a downright spiral has been leading the shop... Tell me frankly, what´s going on?
What? I'm trying to click on the products to buy to get to the description page for each item, and nothing is happening.
isisprince: What? I'm trying to click on the products to buy to get to the description page for each item, and nothing is happening.
You need to click on the description on the right side of the website where the reviews are since the link to the game profile pages are now there. Its a non standard website design change made by gog last week.
Post edited February 09, 2015 by Matruchus
isisprince: What? I'm trying to click on the products to buy to get to the description page for each item, and nothing is happening.
When you hover a game, on the right side, on top of review, there is a clickable link for the game.
Explanations here.
vicklemos: Thanks, mon ami :P
Go ahead, these games are not regrettable. They're memorable in their own weird way, that's for sure.
I had true fun -and some good time spent- with most of their games. That reminds me that I gotta check properly their "A Valley without Wind" series.

ps: they're classics to me, specially SH and Bionic Dues. And I've played all of these on Linux :P
You finally convinced me :)
Trusting you & Arcen Games. I bought & tried the game, it's very interesting (first time I see a game like this). And as usual, you "feel" it's an Arcen game ^^ (for me it's a good point because I love what they do and their spirit). One of the very good surprise I had is that there is co-op on the same screen ! You can play the full game co-op ! That's really nice ! And the game looks very good ! Thanks for advices :D
Post edited February 09, 2015 by Splatsch