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Which games are keeping you company this weekend?

That was a pretty huge Summer Sale, guys! With free games being given out left and right, and hundreds of deals up for grabs, everybody emerged with well-stocked libraries, big smiles, and pleasant dilemmas.

Like: shall I play the magnificent Spelunky that I got for free or should I begin my fourth playthrough of VtM: Bloodlines now that I got it DRM-free? Is it finally time to cash in my accumulated 2-month work leave and tackle The Witcher 3 + Expansions? Perhaps I should go for a quick Shadowrun instead, see where that takes me.

So many questions. But your answers are all that matter!
Will you be playing any of the game(s) you snagged during the Summer Sale? Or are you saving your backlog for a rainy day?

Go on, share your Weekend Playlists with us. They can include single-player games, multiplayer games, console exclusives, anything - we are not judging. In fact, we are sharing too!

Looking for some additional inspiration? The releases of the week provide plenty:

- You can search for the remains of your pre-apocalyptic life in <span class="bold">Deadlight: Director's Cut</span>.
- You can mix drinks and stories as you tend to the troubled patrons of <span class="bold">VA-11 Hall-A</span>.
- You can arm yourself with both Artbook and Soundtrack and dive right back into the lovely world of <span class="bold">Stories: The Path of Destinies</span>.
- You can try to reconcile red robots with hairy monsters while platforming <span class="bold">On Rusty Trails</span>.
- You can cut your shape into the fabric of the Old West with your trusty <span class="bold">GUN&trade;</span>.
- You can expand your Solar Empire by looking for new opportunities in the <span class="bold">Outlaw Sectors</span>.
- You can protect and nurture <span class="bold">The Little Ones</span> amidst the brutality of war.
- You and your friend can praise a common god for the good of the community in <span class="bold">Thea: The Awakening</span>.
- You can return to the simulated halls of <span class="bold">MechoEcho</span> and wrestle with the free 10-level-long campaign.
For me, its the third game in the Blackwell series, Overwatch and something from my backlog, possibly Batman Arkham City or Wasteland 2.
maladr0Id: <snip>
For me it's Shadow of Mordor this weekend. Am already about 8-9 hours in and having a good time slaying orcs and uruks. However, the constant respawning and the ho-hum story somehow make the world seem more like an sandbox of spectacular murder and less like a real place.
Ever since that game came out I've been drooling, but it hasn't hit my sweet-spot on price yet. GMG has it on right now for the cheapest I've seen it to date (GOTY), but I stopped shopping there when they screwed over GOG+CDPR on the TW3 fiasco so I'll probably wait another year or two for it to show up on Steam or another legit reseller and snag it. :)

That is, unless it comes to GOG first of course! :)

tinyE: Prison Architect is slightly more addictive than crack. :P
Yeah, I'm not too fond of the graphics but the gameplay and mechanics are pretty good, plus it fits more stuff on the screen on high-resolution displays so I can see a shit tonne more than your avg. FHD display which makes it a better experience too. :) Great example of "gameplay > graphics". :)
Post edited June 25, 2016 by skeletonbow
maladr0Id: <snip>
For me it's Shadow of Mordor this weekend. Am already about 8-9 hours in and having a good time slaying orcs and uruks. However, the constant respawning and the ho-hum story somehow make the world seem more like an sandbox of spectacular murder and less like a real place.
skeletonbow: Ever since that game came out I've been drooling, but it hasn't hit my sweet-spot on price yet. GMG has it on right now for the cheapest I've seen it to date (GOTY), but I stopped shopping there when they screwed over GOG+CDPR on the TW3 fiasco so I'll probably wait another year or two for it to show up on Steam or another legit reseller and snag it. :)

That is, unless it comes to GOG first of course! :)

tinyE: Prison Architect is slightly more addictive than crack. :P
skeletonbow: Yeah, I'm not too fond of the graphics but the gameplay and mechanics are pretty good, plus it fits more stuff on the screen on high-resolution displays so I can see a shit tonne more than your avg. FHD display which makes it a better experience too. :) Great example of "gameplay > graphics". :)
FHD? Are you talking about the 'hidden' 3D option?
I'm playing Europa universalis 3. Currently half way through Annexing Japan as that black flower clan down south.
I want to attack ryuku so i can start converting to animism :D
Stuff historical accuracy i need more 'FUN'. (
tinyE: FHD? Are you talking about the 'hidden' 3D option?
FHD == Full High Definition == 1920x1080p (or in my case 1920x1200 ... 16:10 Master Race(TM))

Not sure what you mean about a hidden 3D option though.
tinyE: FHD? Are you talking about the 'hidden' 3D option?
skeletonbow: FHD == Full High Definition == 1920x1080p (or in my case 1920x1200 ... 16:10 Master Race(TM))

Not sure what you mean about a hidden 3D option though.
There is an option to play the game in kind of a 3D mode. It's actually a bitch to play it like that, but it looks really cool. Give me a sec and I'll remind myself how to turn it on.
moonreaver: After a long break I've reinstalled Riven. Never finished it the first time I played but I'm making pretty good progress now.
I solved Riven about 8 years ago and I have to say that it was extremely difficult. In fact, I would go as far as saying that there is no way the average person would finish the game without a walkthrough or similar because some of the puzzles require specific skillset that I think few people are likely to possess. One thing in particular is that there is a certain puzzle in the game which requires one to decode an obscure number system non-obviously. Mathematicians and computer scientists (such as myself) might pick up on that but I suspect most others would scratch their heads endlessly and not get anywhere.

It was a great game though. I made it through on my own but not without some real brain contusions. I'd have to suggest to anyone playing this game to not be afraid of seeking hints if they get stuck as it is pretty insane. :)
tinyE: FHD? Are you talking about the 'hidden' 3D option?
skeletonbow: FHD == Full High Definition == 1920x1080p (or in my case 1920x1200 ... 16:10 Master Race(TM))

Not sure what you mean about a hidden 3D option though.
Okay, go into the main menu and click extras. In the lower left corner there will be a faint, shit how do I describe it, looks like two post holding up a crosspiece ala Stonehenge. Click on that and go back to the game. You can change the angle of play using the mouse.
tinyE: Okay, go into the main menu and click extras. In the lower left corner there will be a faint, shit how do I describe it, looks like two post holding up a crosspiece ala Stonehenge. Click on that and go back to the game. You can change the angle of play using the mouse.
Interesting, some of the vehicles are 3D and some are flat on the road. LOL It seems like that is an experimental 3D mode that they never got to complete fully, but left in the game as an easter egg. Pretty cool.
maladr0Id: This bad boy has been on my short list for a long while now but The Witcher 3 and limited time have been getting in the way. Also the comments of people who found it a bit too grindy and with a blah supporting cast :/ Is that really the case?
It can be grindy, especially if you're into crafting. However, the components respawn fairly quickly, so there's that (although it's a bit jarring at first when you find that ore deposits respawn... O_o) Complaints about the side missions being similar to MMO fetch/kill quests have some merit, but I find it's not too bad so far.

Blah supporting cast: I guess that's pretty subjective. I like Sera a lot but I can certainly see how people may hate her. She's pretty childish, but she amuses me. Cassanda I think is pretty good, and I've also got Vivienne in my party, but haven't had her all that long, so can't really judge yet. I've picked up Iron Bull, who seems fairly bad ass, and Varric is still Varric (who I actually liked from DA2). Solas is okay, but I switched him out for Vivienne when I recruited her. I've not yet reached Skyhold so can't really make a good call on the companions though - or the story in general for that matter.

The game is set up a lot better than DA2. You still have separate areas (in the vein of DA:O) that you access from the world map (or War Room map), but they're a lot bigger than in DA:O, generally speaking, and not linear. So a nice change. Combat is satisfying, although I have a bit of an issue with the tactical camera, as I don't like the way it handles - it's pretty awkward, IMO (this is one of the things that makes me say it was developed for console). As a result, I tend to not use it, which makes it tougher to get some of those cool combos (the 'detonator' abilities) to fire.

Lots of different gear to find, but crafting is where it's at. You can craft some ass-kicking gear that really makes you bad ass. I haven't faced a dragon yet though, so we'll see how crispy my party is after the first one...

There are several different features in the game as far as quests/missions go: there's the regular exploration-find quest-solve quest that you see in every game, There are War Room missions in which you choose an agent to resolve the situation (so you don't directly play that one) and get some type of reward, depending on who you chose to perform the mission, and there are a few timed missions which I generally hate, but these ones so far have been fairly good). A number of different puzzles and mysteries in the game as well, which I find (so far) to be a fun diversion.

Dialog choices are way better than DA2. You can actually get a real idea of what your character is going to say with the options on the dialog wheel, for one thing. Many times you also get the option to explore the converation further for more in-depth info.

Anyway, I'm rambling. Bottom line is, I'm finding it fun so far. It's a big game, far more open than the previous one, and much more enjoyable. They've improved a lot over the abysmall DA2, so I don't regret spending the quid on it.
Rocket League
Still not a GOGlin. :p
This weekend it's The Solus Project and Eye of the Beholder 2. Each scratches a specific itch – quiet exploration and RPG elements respectively.
So far, Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth, because I spent the first half of the weekend on an airplane and needed something portable (it's a Vita game; on the PS4 too, I think). I wasn't sure what to expect, but it's kind of grabbed me; a few pretty creepy moments (without going overboard), an interesting story, and a surprisingly expressive (mostly) silent protagonist.

I'm going to keep playing that, but I also think it's time to finally give Indigo Prophecy a try. Don't know what to expect; I've heard vastly differing opinions, but like him or not, David Cage seems to be a fairly significant name, and I feel like I should at least try one of his games.
Post edited June 25, 2016 by BadDecissions
Tales from Monkey Island for me.