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Which games are keeping you company this weekend?

That was a pretty huge Summer Sale, guys! With free games being given out left and right, and hundreds of deals up for grabs, everybody emerged with well-stocked libraries, big smiles, and pleasant dilemmas.

Like: shall I play the magnificent Spelunky that I got for free or should I begin my fourth playthrough of VtM: Bloodlines now that I got it DRM-free? Is it finally time to cash in my accumulated 2-month work leave and tackle The Witcher 3 + Expansions? Perhaps I should go for a quick Shadowrun instead, see where that takes me.

So many questions. But your answers are all that matter!
Will you be playing any of the game(s) you snagged during the Summer Sale? Or are you saving your backlog for a rainy day?

Go on, share your Weekend Playlists with us. They can include single-player games, multiplayer games, console exclusives, anything - we are not judging. In fact, we are sharing too!

Looking for some additional inspiration? The releases of the week provide plenty:

- You can search for the remains of your pre-apocalyptic life in <span class="bold">Deadlight: Director's Cut</span>.
- You can mix drinks and stories as you tend to the troubled patrons of <span class="bold">VA-11 Hall-A</span>.
- You can arm yourself with both Artbook and Soundtrack and dive right back into the lovely world of <span class="bold">Stories: The Path of Destinies</span>.
- You can try to reconcile red robots with hairy monsters while platforming <span class="bold">On Rusty Trails</span>.
- You can cut your shape into the fabric of the Old West with your trusty <span class="bold">GUN&trade;</span>.
- You can expand your Solar Empire by looking for new opportunities in the <span class="bold">Outlaw Sectors</span>.
- You can protect and nurture <span class="bold">The Little Ones</span> amidst the brutality of war.
- You and your friend can praise a common god for the good of the community in <span class="bold">Thea: The Awakening</span>.
- You can return to the simulated halls of <span class="bold">MechoEcho</span> and wrestle with the free 10-level-long campaign.
Still playing (and enjoying) Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1 here. Hope to get in another round of Moon Hunters soon. And when I finish HNRB1 I think I'd like to get into Tales from the Borderlands from the promo.
tfishell: Cry of Fear or Afraid of Monsters,
What order do you suggest?
Just started Technobabylon. Very impressive so far. If it keeps up like this, I'll have trouble deciding if it or Primordia is my favorite Wadjet Eye game.
I just finished Broken Age--great game, but it falls apart in the last 20 minutes by turning into tedious wiring puzzles--but I still have to finish Aquatic Adventures of the Last Human and Splatoon. Anyone who wonders why a lot of guys consider most shooters these days repetitive and unimaginative should play Splatoon: That is how to make a shooter!

I also started replaying Sam and Max and the remake of Gabriel Knight. I miss adventure games.

I also might play Uncharted Waters,which sounds like an SNES version of the classic Pirates or the SNES Adventures of Batman and Robin--never did beat the boss rush of that one--or Dark Half, which sounds like an unusual and challenging game and hopefully has a fan translation. Maybe I will play NES instead: I got Mother on the WiiU under the name Earthbound Beginnings, I never finished Wurm: Center of the Earth.

I also want to get the new Doom, as it looks like a return to the good days of shooters and Shin Megami Tensei versus Fire Emblem because Shin Megami Tensei and Nintendo are fucking awesome. I have to wait to get my paycheck to get them and to finish some other games before I play them, though.
Post edited June 24, 2016 by brilliance
brilliance: Anyone who wonders why a lot of guys consider most shooters these days repetitive and unimaginative should play Splatoon: That is how to make a shooter!
My daughters bought this one together. Best WiiU game purchase they've ever made. They love it.

My weekend gaming is going to be Dragon Age: Inquisition. Picked it up during the recent Origin sale and have been playing ti for the past week+. I must say it's a crapton better than DA2 and I'm very pleasantly surprised at how much I'm enjoying it.
Has Shin Megami Tensei if been translated? I really want to play that one, since it apparently is the basis the scene for the Persona series. I loved the first Shin Megami Tensei, but 2 was worthless shit, definitely one of the worst games on the SNES. SMT if is sure to look like a work of genius compared to 2.
Torchlight and The Studying Game (because midterms are coming :B)
Busy weekend, but I'll give a try on:

- Return to Krondor: a game that didn't get the recognition it deserves, especially in my native Congo ;P
- more Settlers II gold (RTTR for damn sure!)
- Famicom games such as Devil World and Challenger

That'll be all, m'ladies and m'gents ;D
Busy weekend. I'm going to try to squeeze in Big Pharma and what ever else might strike my fancy.
tfishell: Cry of Fear or Afraid of Monsters,
ShadowWulfe: What order do you suggest?
I think Afraid of Monsters would basically be a letdown after playing Cry of Fear (CoF won, like, Mod of the Year from Moddb I believe, back in 2011), so I'd start with AoM if you feel it's important to play both. From what I remember of watching AoM and CoF, CoF raises the bar significantly.

I also believe the Director's Cut of AoM is quite a bit better than the original AoM (or at least isn't just reskins of HL monsters), however, so do the DC.

Also, in case you didn't know, Cry of Fear is now a standalone game on Steam, so you wouldn't need to install it as a mod for HL.
Currently playing Wing Commander 1 again (as I finally bought myself a decent flight stick for my birthday recently). I'll probably also play some This War of Mine this weekend which I snatched during the summer sale. First impressions are pretty great.

Also I'm lately playing Diablo III on PS3 with my girflriend in coop every other day. It would probably bore me to death in singleplayer but in local coop it's quite fun. I was lucky enough to accidentally choose the perfect class for her, she's enjoying herself almost too much mowing down enemies with machine gun crossbows. :P
I won't be playing anything this weekend due to work, but I have been playing SOTS: The Pit.

I'm... not sure. I love roguelikes, but while it definitely is one, it doesn't really feel like it. I started on normal but couldn't get far as the drops and drop rate are terrible, you hardly ever find ammo or weapons. Easy is a little better but again you soon load up on mostly useless loot (and food and medical supplies 'just in case') but run out of ammo..
My current character has a decent melee weapon I've been leaning on, but it's only a matter of time before that breaks beyond repair because his repair ability is poor :/

Other than that I'll probably take another stab at Sengoku, my first try has led to civil war within a couple of years and I'm not sure whether to plow through that or start again...
-Thea: The Awakening
-Crypt of the Necrodancer
tfishell: What order do
I had trouble figuring out how to get AOM working for HL, still haven't figured out what it wants under -game. Already setup the separate Cry of Fear on Steam (free!).
adaliabooks: Other than that I'll probably take another stab at Sengoku, my first try has led to civil war within a couple of years and I'm not sure whether to plow through that or start again...
I've been passing on this game for years now despite the fact that I think it looks very interesting - all these games look fun but a little scary ;) EU 3 is a little bit lower on my list and I'm fairly certain I'll dive in with Crusader Kings 2 when it finally shows up here.

I'm still playing Bloodlines and Darkest Dungeon. Amazingly, DD is still getting the majority of my playtime - I thought the more narrative driven Bloodlines would. And I ended last night in Bloodlines not wanting to sneak around a cargo ship - have to clear that area soon so I don't burn out. Darkest Dungeon on the other hand has sucked me in - I keep wanting to do "one more run" and the game keeps rewarding me with new characters. I hope I don't eventually hit a wall where the game becomes too difficult as I think I'm still early in. I'm at the point where I think I have to make tough choices about maybe ditching a character or two but not wanting too.