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Anyone know about some good webcomics to read? They should also be updated frequently.
I already know of VGCats and GUComics. VGC used to be great until Scott became fat and lazy. Now if we're lucky, there's an update once a month. It used to be several times a week.
I enjoy Darths & Droids, and, also, well, this.

Oh, also, recently discovered TomTheDancngBug, and it's great.
Post edited October 13, 2015 by Telika
Telika: I enjoy Darth & Droids, and, also, well, this.
Great post. Now I have something to do on work.
For the roleplayers there is and of course the [url=]Order of the Stick.
Schlock mercenary, a sci-fi comic about a merc company and their resident blob sergent. Dayly updates for 15 years, and the author didn't miss a single one.

The comic is eye-melting ugly (especially the early stuff), but it's fun and the story is good.
Telika: I enjoy Darths & Droids, and, also, well, this.
For a more fantasy approach, DM of the ring is very good too. And a very nice French translation (that replaces American pop culture and RPG references with French ones), which is a bonus for me
Post edited October 13, 2015 by Kardwill