Posted December 25, 2017
First of all, happy holidays to everyone, I hope you're all having a great time! And sorry for the walltext!
Now, a couple of days ago I submitted a ticket through GOG Support about something that concerns me a lot. Any official answer is yet to come (and that's fine, it's not an urgent issue and today is Christmas, after all) so I'd like to discuss it on the forum, because maybe some of you could find it interesting.
We all know what is GOG Connect. It lets you link your GOG account to your Steam account and thus it lets you periodically add some games that you already have in your Steam library to your GOG library. And that sounds cool. I myself have already redeemed something like 20 games through this service since it started last year, but I've come to think about something really serious, at least in my opinion. What happens if your Steam account gets banned? Or if it gets stolen? Or if you close it by yourself just because you don't want to deal with Steam ever again? Well, I already asked something like this in another support ticket back in August and the answer I got was "We don't know". That's my concern: they don't know.
Like most of GOG users, I care about game ownership and preservation, even though I don't backup everything I buy, because as long as GOG is around I can download it as many times as I want without any issues. I've also started using Galaxy to manage my games, and that's fine (but I hope that it stays optional forever).
But the thing is that I started using GOG and buying games on GOG in particular to get rid of Steam. I wanted (and still want) to stop being a Steam user some time in the future. Be it 2 or 5 years from now, when I get on GOG the games I want to keep from Steam, I'll probably shut down my Steam account.
Side note: Why shut down a Steam account that I don't use anymore? Security reasons, mostly. If I abandon that account, but I keep it functional, it could be stolen, and a lot of personal info that are tied to that account could be acquired with it. If I'm not around anymore to check the integrity and security of my account, it remains at risk. So, better shut it off.
What happens then? What happens to my GOG Connect games when I stop using my Steam account and it doesn't exist anymore? But also, what happens to my games if I get banned from Steam? I think it's reasonable to ask for an answer on this particular matter, because in the GOG Connect FAQs it's clearly stated that: "If a game is removed from your Steam account for any reason, such as through manual deletion or a refund – we reserve the right to remove the games from your library."
But what if you lose all your Steam library?
Because of this, I've asked the Support team to delete from my GOG account all the GOG connect games I've redeemed: I'm building my GOG library to be indipendent from Steam, to support GOG as an alternative, and to keep my games when I'll not be a Steam user anymore. I've also asked them to unlink the two accounts (even though that's not technically possible, and honestly if I get my Connect games removed it doesn't matter anymore). I'll happily rebuy the games I own on Steam here on GOG, if GOG Connect comes with that... liability.
Think about something like Mafia or Alan Wake. What if you redeem a game through GOG Connect, then the game is not available for purchase anymore, and then you get it removed from your GOG library because you stop being a Steam user (voluntarily or not)?
Yeah, most of you probably will "never" stop being Steam users or have never been Steam users in the first place, but I demand some clarity about this nonetheless, and so you should. Because if you redeem 50 games through GOG Connect and then your Steam account gets banned, closed, stolen (and griefed), then you could potentially lose those 50 games on GOG, too. Because at that point, you'll not have them in your Steam library anymore, you could not have a Steam library at all anymore.
If that's the case, I don't know about you, but I'd like to know it in advance.
Let me know what you think about these first world problems!
Now, a couple of days ago I submitted a ticket through GOG Support about something that concerns me a lot. Any official answer is yet to come (and that's fine, it's not an urgent issue and today is Christmas, after all) so I'd like to discuss it on the forum, because maybe some of you could find it interesting.
We all know what is GOG Connect. It lets you link your GOG account to your Steam account and thus it lets you periodically add some games that you already have in your Steam library to your GOG library. And that sounds cool. I myself have already redeemed something like 20 games through this service since it started last year, but I've come to think about something really serious, at least in my opinion. What happens if your Steam account gets banned? Or if it gets stolen? Or if you close it by yourself just because you don't want to deal with Steam ever again? Well, I already asked something like this in another support ticket back in August and the answer I got was "We don't know". That's my concern: they don't know.
Like most of GOG users, I care about game ownership and preservation, even though I don't backup everything I buy, because as long as GOG is around I can download it as many times as I want without any issues. I've also started using Galaxy to manage my games, and that's fine (but I hope that it stays optional forever).
But the thing is that I started using GOG and buying games on GOG in particular to get rid of Steam. I wanted (and still want) to stop being a Steam user some time in the future. Be it 2 or 5 years from now, when I get on GOG the games I want to keep from Steam, I'll probably shut down my Steam account.
Side note: Why shut down a Steam account that I don't use anymore? Security reasons, mostly. If I abandon that account, but I keep it functional, it could be stolen, and a lot of personal info that are tied to that account could be acquired with it. If I'm not around anymore to check the integrity and security of my account, it remains at risk. So, better shut it off.
What happens then? What happens to my GOG Connect games when I stop using my Steam account and it doesn't exist anymore? But also, what happens to my games if I get banned from Steam? I think it's reasonable to ask for an answer on this particular matter, because in the GOG Connect FAQs it's clearly stated that: "If a game is removed from your Steam account for any reason, such as through manual deletion or a refund – we reserve the right to remove the games from your library."
But what if you lose all your Steam library?
Because of this, I've asked the Support team to delete from my GOG account all the GOG connect games I've redeemed: I'm building my GOG library to be indipendent from Steam, to support GOG as an alternative, and to keep my games when I'll not be a Steam user anymore. I've also asked them to unlink the two accounts (even though that's not technically possible, and honestly if I get my Connect games removed it doesn't matter anymore). I'll happily rebuy the games I own on Steam here on GOG, if GOG Connect comes with that... liability.
Think about something like Mafia or Alan Wake. What if you redeem a game through GOG Connect, then the game is not available for purchase anymore, and then you get it removed from your GOG library because you stop being a Steam user (voluntarily or not)?
Yeah, most of you probably will "never" stop being Steam users or have never been Steam users in the first place, but I demand some clarity about this nonetheless, and so you should. Because if you redeem 50 games through GOG Connect and then your Steam account gets banned, closed, stolen (and griefed), then you could potentially lose those 50 games on GOG, too. Because at that point, you'll not have them in your Steam library anymore, you could not have a Steam library at all anymore.
If that's the case, I don't know about you, but I'd like to know it in advance.
Let me know what you think about these first world problems!