Lifthrasil: Wrong. They can de-list the game if the dev refuses to fix it. As they have done in the past, when a dev was 'unable' to provide patches for games.
Being able to de list SOME games due to such doesn't mean they can necessarily do so for ALL partners/games. They might have differing contracts for various partners, as one example of why they might not be able to do such.
Lifthrasil: Wrong again. In case you didn't notice, the game we were talking about is "
For the King" That's a single-player game which requires Galaxy. Sure, they say it's a bug. But since they refuse to fix that but (for whatever reason), they knowingly distribute a single-player game that requires Galaxy to start.
I know about that game, but that doesn't mean what I said is/was wrong.....them not taking down a game with a bug that makes the game need galaxy doesn't mean they ditched that pillar, no matter what your mind chooses to think about it.
Now if they start doing it intentionally to many games then i'd agree with you and be pissed as well.
Cavalary: At the very least, they need to remove the "DRM FREE" notice from the side and add one at the top of the description stating that, due to a bug, for the time being, the game requires Galaxy even for single player, regardless of the small print at the bottom stating that Galaxy is required (just) for online co-op.
Agreed on this 100%...a disclaimer at the very least would be the right thing to do.
(That is if they can add one....I once told them their text for a game page had spelling/etc errors and they told me they couldn't change it without that partner's say so)