Cavalary: So... Might I suggest that everyone kindly stop replying to any of this and just stick to the matter at hand (whatever it may be, not just this thread, I mean)?
I agree with this 100%....I will try to stick to the topic at hand from now on as best I can(not making promises, but i'll try).
lazydog: You are a
troll GameRager. It is as simple as that.
You do a disservice to these forums, not to mention gog, by continuing to post your drivel.
Believe what you will.....but I think we should all just do as Cavalary suggested and stick to the topic at hand(which is not me).
To all: Even though I don't hold out much hope(being more a realist than an optimist in such cases) for GOG bringing the DLer back, I wish those trying to get the GOG DLer back godspeed/the best of luck(or, failing that, that they will find some other route to follow should their efforts not pan out).
That said, I am done with this thread for now(minus the occasional reply to a post here and there)....later, all.