zaMNal: This is a BAD decision.
GameRager: Well it's made already, so sadly everyone(including you) needs to move on and either find another method or buy elsewhere....not a good position to be in for some, but that's how it is.
What do you gain out of saying this? For that matter, wouldn't it be more productive for you to just "move on" from the discussion? Obviously this is an aggravating enough decision by GOG that users are taking time to get over it, if they even will get over it. Please stop trying to invalidate that position.
GameRager: One can/could(and should.....if they have a good connection/time/etc) always just DL them as they come(as they don't usually all come at once)
You can't just "DL them as they come". Games are frequently missing update flags, and the ones that do get update flags seem to signify that GALAXY has the updated version, while the "offline backup installer" is likely still out of date. The way to know that it is actually updated? We have to check a user-generated list here, or use a third-party tool. I know I know..."be grateful you at least have that option"...please spare me lol.
GameRager: Also no one forced anyone here to buy so many games(sounds uncaring but i'm just trying to state the truth of the matter).
Ultimately we can only speculate at GOG's motives but surely GOG doesn't want people buying less games...even us second-class non-Galaxy customers.
GameRager: Galaxy is still optional(and will remain as such) as long as browser DLs and other alternative methods are a thing.
You can't guarantee that. I don't believe you, and at this point I'm afraid to say I certainly don't believe staff. Did you happen to catch Ashleee's posts in either this topic or the "We do not want to say goodbye" GOG Downloader topic? Staff stated that offline installers will remain available, but did NOT specifically state themselves that browser and third party tools would remain available to download them. This gives GOG the potential "out" to put everything through Galaxy by saying well, you have to use Galaxy to download the installers, but then you can log out and play without Galaxy (not that they would encourage this, mind you). I asked for clarification to those staff responses and of course none was forthcoming, which reduces my confidence in what they're doing even more.
GameRager: Gog makes very slim profits(most extra money comes from CDP/CDPR) i'd rather they focus on needed/essential things(and I don't see this as one of them, sorry to all who read this) than extras that a few people want/ask for.
Explain how getting rid of Downloader is "essential". Might as well go for Strike 3 since staff already had 2 swings and a miss as far as I'm concerned. It was still working fine. In fact, if other users posts are accurate, it was even working AFTER GOG went out of their way to hide the links to it, and working for yesterday's new release, at that! GOG's use of resources is simply questionable from a customer point of view. Customers used this tool, it benefited them, now it's gone with nothing replacing it. Oh but GOG did take time to quickly stop the user workaround I allude to above, so that now Downloader links are not accessible at all, beyond just being hidden.
P.S. if customers are saying they are reducing or even ceasing their purchasing due to GOG's anti-consumer decision of getting rid of Downloader, that means GOG is risking a negative affect on those "very slim profits". Do the math. No users, at least visibly, are coming out and saying now they want to increase buying as a result of Downloader being axed. At least when they bundled Galaxy with the installers, people could make an argument that they were appealing to a new audience which would offset old customers that stopped buying as a result. Getting rid of Downloader does not appeal to a new audience, while antagonizing a portion of the existing audience.
P.S.S. If we're so concerned about their financials, then let's advocate dumping the DRMed suspected money-loser Gwent.
Leroux: I don't mind having to use the browser, but PLEASE make sure that both options are treated equally. It's frustrating and disheartening to see Galaxy be made a priority so often. I know it's probably a bit more work to upload offline installers, but it's important work, considering GOG's origins and your veteran fanbase.
Lol. Good luck. They haven't been treated equally at any point in my time here. I've learned to live with it, while continuing to voice my frustration.