nightcraw1er.488: And that is why nothing gets done, and why democracy never actually gets anything done. As you say, some people have option x and some have opinion y, and someone has to make a decision somewhere to choose. So if it is as you say that everyone is entitled to their opinions, I have posted mine, you have posted yours, and gog has decided to drop gogdownloader. End of discussion.
Flyingfluffypiglet: Am not about to engage in a democracy debate given that what we are talking about here, is choice as a consumer, or Gogger, and how we download our games. I'd put aside Galaxy which supposedly has always been optional even when it comes to download our offline installers, so we had browser, GOG downloader, third parties. Now it's down to 2 (leaving aside Galaxy). Yes as you said GOG decided to drop one, that doesn't mean we all have to roll over and stay silent about it, that is those of us who still used that reliable piece of software still valiantly doing it's job. Given your tone, and is your right here too, end of discussion indeed.
My tone has come about as you effectively told me I was bashing other users. If stating that I have never had browser download issues, across most major browsers, across a variety of networks, in the uk and Belgium and Switzerland, is tantamount to “bashing other users” then yes, you will get my backup.
Perhaps gog should still put resource in to support win xp and win 7 as well as supporting multiple download options. And of course update galaxy, and also port everything to Linux on their free time. Gog dropped down loader in favour of galaxy a long time back and are finally killing it off. If that’s a loss for you, write down your issues in a ticket to support and ask them to provide it in the client they are now supporting.
Me, I will as always, stick to browser downloads, although as I mentioned, I would like to see additional options presented at the browser download such as queuing downloads, or one link for all files. Also, version history download.