Posted March 11, 2020
tfishell: Feeling, feeling - do you think GOG originally marketed to and cultivated an extra-emotional base compared to other stores (especially banking on nostalgia), or no more than any other digital storefront? (plus I guess most marketing in general is an emotional appeal) There's the nostalgia for old games and I've seen nostalgia on the forums for Good Old Games. :p
Yes. I think that. I can only tell my own impressions but years ago (the ages in which forums were still not broken and gogmixes existed) they actually gave me the feeling they were a part of the community as well. So many blue posts and each a gamer. They completely obliberated ths "we are just a company and want your money" image I always had and still have on Steam. But maybe these were just my own delusions or wishful thinking ... might as well be the case.