Shadowstalker16: Seeing the fate of the GG thread, should I just report everything I find offensive from now on? Maybe pursue whining about those things for a few months as well? And will calling any group I hate a hate group also make them harmful enough to be banned from discussion?
Narakir: I don't see why any true GGer would be against it, closing the thread is one step to keep politics away from video games.
Politics shouldn't be kept away from games. No one wants that. Reviewers should keep their politics to political articles though, not reviews.
tremere110: It will spill out into other threads without a single place to contain them. This one for instance. Thanks TinyE :p
Breja: 1. How about thanking the people who can't have a normal conversation rather than a toxic dump of a thread instead. It's they who forced GOG to finaly enforce some rules here.
2. I'm sick and tired of this logic of acquiescence to trolls. As it turns out, we can have moderation here, and don't have to have "containment threads" in hopes the toxicity will be so nice as to stay within their boundires (spoiler- it never does)- we can simply be rid of it all, and good riddance.
1. Then people will be complaining about spam on the front page of the forum. I say ''containment'' as in keep similar topics together, ie EU refugee crisis news, etc. And judging from how much people got triggered about the infowars thread, multiple topics of the ''wrong'' content won't stay up very long before people cry about spam.
2. Yeah, warn ban or mute the individuals, not close the thread and stop everyone from talking. Thread locking has no permanence when it comes to keeping out the trolls.
Also lol at your idea of containment.