elcook: Just wanted to drop by here to let you know it's not phishing or any scam. The email was sent by GOG, and we are asking users to update their GOG GALAXY application to the latest version (there is a bug in the previous version that prevents users to update the app in the future).
You can download the latest version of the app from www.gogalaxy.com or from www.gog.com/galaxy - they both are owned by GOG.
Thanks and sorry for confusing y'all! Stay safe!
thanks for the clarification.
The Email leaves some questions, so i'll ask them here, hope that this is okay:
- so, is version 2.0.15 the Version i need or has it a bug and i need to install galaxy
anew? As it says that the is a beta it is unclear if this has a bug (because its
a beta) or it is the right version.
- is there a way to update Galaxy via the client or do i always have to wait for an
auto update or( if it is broken) have to install it anew?
And for the future:
Some more instructions would be nice (for instance where i can see my Galaxy Version etc.)
to have in such an email.
Took me some time to get all the info i need!
Thanks for the help!
Keep up the good work!