Posted April 22, 2013

Registered: Dec 2009
From United States

Registered: Mar 2011
From Malaysia

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From Hungary

my name is catte
i touch your foods
Registered: Mar 2010
From United Kingdom
Posted April 22, 2013

Registered: Sep 2008
From Christmas Island
Posted April 22, 2013
Was it really necessary to necro this thread yet again? This is already the 4th time I think.
Just because a thread already exists about something doesn't mean you shouldn't make a new one, especially when you're replaying to a post nearly a year old.
Just because a thread already exists about something doesn't mean you shouldn't make a new one, especially when you're replaying to a post nearly a year old.

Registered: Dec 2009
From United States
Posted April 22, 2013

u2jedi is referring only to the installer icon. Something to differentiate each game...

I'm more concerned about whether the v2.0 installers still wipe out the compatibility settings... but that's a different topic.
(The orange icon is pretty boring though.)

New User
Registered: Jul 2010
From Germany
Posted April 24, 2013
Why not using the workaround and be happy with it.
For me it worked with Hearts of Iron III and every single other game I bought on GG. Didn't have the HoI 3 Collection though.
For me it worked with Hearts of Iron III and every single other game I bought on GG. Didn't have the HoI 3 Collection though.
Post edited April 24, 2013 by Trilarion

New User
Registered: Aug 2012
From United States
Posted August 24, 2013
I find it shocking there isnt more .... proven thing of this and few topics on it seem just like this one with ppl butting heads over if it is or not (so while doing it I made a video to post later)
So I tested this with Breath Of Death 7 and Cthulhu Saves the World $2.99 claimed as drm free
And they are indeed drm free it just seems they don't tell you how to get your drm copy so easly for what ever resson
you have to get the setup file copyed from the gamersgate temp file that the setup is in and just past it on your desktop or where ever you wish it and finish the install and tell it to remove temp files and boom you got your DRM free copy you can back up and reinstall with out gamersgate ever again
I would recommend for any others who past by this topic like me about gamersgate drm free or not need keep eye on the detail info of the game
File size:74.17 MB
Categories:Action, Adventure, RPG, Action RPG, Action Adventure, Indie
DRM:DRM Free <-------------------------------
This should work on any game thats listed as drm free so it is abit more work vs gog but you can still get drm free copy if the maker/publisher lets it be one
Hope this helps some peeps and peace out
So I tested this with Breath Of Death 7 and Cthulhu Saves the World $2.99 claimed as drm free
And they are indeed drm free it just seems they don't tell you how to get your drm copy so easly for what ever resson
you have to get the setup file copyed from the gamersgate temp file that the setup is in and just past it on your desktop or where ever you wish it and finish the install and tell it to remove temp files and boom you got your DRM free copy you can back up and reinstall with out gamersgate ever again
I would recommend for any others who past by this topic like me about gamersgate drm free or not need keep eye on the detail info of the game
File size:74.17 MB
Categories:Action, Adventure, RPG, Action RPG, Action Adventure, Indie
DRM:DRM Free <-------------------------------
This should work on any game thats listed as drm free so it is abit more work vs gog but you can still get drm free copy if the maker/publisher lets it be one
Hope this helps some peeps and peace out

Woodie Guthrie's Guitar!
Registered: Dec 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted August 24, 2013
Thread undead, destroy body- remove head!

Child of the Sun
Registered: Apr 2012
From Germany
Posted September 12, 2014
A pity that I had to check the GOG forums to find out that GG's "DRM Free" does not mean DRM free. The GG website is really obscure on explaining how exactly their DRM-Free-DRM works.

Registered: Jun 2012
From Russian Federation
Posted September 12, 2014

DRM Free means, that I the owner :
a.) Can backup the game (True)
b.) Can install it on multiple machines without limitations (True)
c.) Does not need to go online (False).
This is not DRM-Free too. :(
Shame on you, Klei! Shame on you!

New User
Registered: Apr 2012
From United States
Posted April 12, 2015
Just downloaded a "DRM-free" game off GamersGate, looked for the installer, but it turns out to be some un-openable file instead of an .exe installer. Are any of the Sega DRM-free games like that too?

Zero fox given.
Registered: Nov 2008
From Germany
Posted April 12, 2015
What you need to do is let the downloader do its thang, copy the entire contents of the installer directory elsewhere BEFORE you close the GamersGate downloader, then close the downloader. If you tell the downloader to keep the files, all it will do is obfuscate the installer so that only the downloader can open it.

Service with a smile :D
Registered: Sep 2014
From Netherlands
Posted May 08, 2015

the megabundle is often on sale so if you like those keep an eye on them.
GG creates in the download folder that you choose, a map called :
GamersGate temporary files
in that folder there's another folder with a number i guess its the product number thats been used
inside that folder there will be lots of folders and maybe subfolders and all kinds of files
usually tis is done if the game is originally on cd...
if the game is a normal (casual) game then you just get a setup.exe or install.exe
just like normal, doubleclick to install (unless you made windows to install after singleclick , but that would be unwise)
Then setup starts
dont forget that on some wondows with nvidia cards the GG downloader might get corrupted that is you wont be able to clcik on the buttons, nvidia cards seem to have that (i have nividea sindce the very begiing and alt tabbing usually corrupts the graphics)
So basically the setup stuff is not hard, paying with prepaid usually gives no problem, i did read many times that using cards and other payments there be verificiation times and or mails send (to protect the customer) if you are in badluck then you might have to wait 7 days, yup 7 days.
If weekend is close: forget it they wont respond so 2 or 3 more days will be added.
Biggest downside of GG(gamersgate) is: the 'human' factor
they are not intrested in socializing: you order you pay thats it
no fuzz, cause they are not intrested in that.
If you need support, ask for it, but good luck cause its a long slow hard way.
So in short; GOG is the best place to buy, be and hang around in the forums , compared to both steam and GG.
Even steam scores better on friendlyness the GG cause i saw some posts on steam , and did not expect that to be allowed there but they still exist. dont try to post that on GG.
Best advice: stay on GOG where you can tell, discuss,
cause discussions arent allowed on any other site.
more stories needed about GG? google is our friend you can ask it anything (except for cash)
Post edited May 08, 2015 by gamesfreak64

Service with a smile :D
Registered: Sep 2014
From Netherlands
Posted October 16, 2015

i do know alot of bad things i read using google but not this, so i was shocked when i read this 2013 article
I did not know that but i did read (using google) they kinda 'fiddled' with prices and games and more
a long article about how 'bugs' gave GG a bad name:
small part:
Don't trust GamersGate
J Christian
December 21st really was the end of the world for digital game distributor, or at least the beginning of it. The site has long suffered from an unexplainable bug that can discount games far more than is apparently intended, a bug that has been known about for quite some time and has yet to be fixed. This particular bug would only pop up a few times during sales and usually be rectified within an hour or two, usually making it a non-issue.
Until the Bethesda bundle, that is. On December 21st, the bug discounted a bundle containing Dishonored, Skyrim, Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, Morrowind, and several other games, lowering the price under $30 USD. Word of the deal spread like wildfire, and huge numbers of gamers rushed to the site to try and pick up the deal, hitting it with such a large amount of traffic that it basically turned into an accidental DDoS attack; the huge influx of visitors overwhelmed the servers and made the site virtually impossible to load, yet for those willing to brave hours of refreshing, the deal remained available for purchase. In fact, the price wasn't fixed until the next day, leading to the perception that it wasn't a mistake at all. Amazon, who has been rapidly moving into digital games, often offers similar deep discounts, to the point where large discounts on bundles are more or less becoming the norm as far as holiday deals go. At this point, it's virtually impossible to differentiate between a great sale and a pricing mistake.