opticq: <snip>
I mean I too used to define DRM as yyahoo does, but GOG has spoiled me and now I don't buy physical games what so ever.
Indeed, I think the last game that I bought in physical form was Battle for Middle Earth II Collector's Edition back in 2006/7, or GRAW2 or GTA San Andreas in the same timeframe. I used to prefer the physical DVD because I felt I actually owned it as I could hold it in my hand and that offered a certain amount of physical control, plus any manuals and other materials included with the purchase. Sadly, over time repeatedly feeling ripped off due to terrible experiences with DRM led me to boycott several major game studios DRM-full games (EA, Ubisoft, and subsequently Rockstar, and Warner Bros also) I ended up not buying games anymore for many years.
I discovered GOG in 2009 but didn't truly "understand and fully embrace" GOG or the gaming ideology/values present here until late 2012 (more or less because I just didn't pay close enough attention to realize it until then and then wondered how it slipped past me for so long). I was so ideologically moved by what GOG does that I vowed to become a customer to support their efforts to make gaming move towards the utopian way I ultimately want to see it become as a normal day to day thing. I started buying games here in Oct/Nov 2012 and went "all in" in favour of online digital distribution, embracing the advantages this medium has over the physical side of things and favouring these benefits higher than the benefits of owning a DVD copy. Subsequently I embraced Steam also but solely for the digital distribution benefits and only then limited to games that do not hamper my ability to enjoy them within my own requirements/expectations. I have to admit too that I've made mistakes on Steam too and did acquire a few titles that were loaded with draconian DRM of the most irritating form (Grand Theft Auto IV for example) by not consistently doing my due diligence of research before purchase, but to date I have only made a small number of such mistakes so my experiences with proper legal online digital distribution platforms is very good to date and I consider right now to be the best time for PC video gamers and gaming in general with regards to availability, pricing, and pure consumer convenience overall - excluding heavily DRM laden games of course.
GOG and DRM-free gaming are always my first choice though by default even though I am a little flexible about it. I do not miss the days of putting my boots on, trudging through snow and standing in line to buy plastic disks housed in mashed dead trees though. 1's and 0's from my couch trumps that experience in so many ways, and greatly reduces the physical clutter factor around the house caused by physical media as well. :)
CrowTRobo: Wow, this was unexpected and a nice surprise. Now I want to kick myself for buying F.E.A.R. on Steam during their winter sale. I think this might be the first time that has occurred for me.
CrowTRobo: Hahah, so it turns out I *didn't* buy F.E.A.R. on Steam - must have just thought about it. Perfect! Now I can get it here.
I picked up the entire FEAR series on some bundle a year or so ago, then it appeared again in another bundle (The Warner Bros bundle that had Batman, FEAR, various LOTR games, MK etc.) so I ended up with 2 Steam copies of FEAR series. I have to admit that it's a real bummer to have bought or acquired games in bundles or elsewhere for Steam to see them end up on GOG 3/6/9/12/24 months later and wish to have waited it out or whatnot. :)
Mind you, I have actually waited on some games to have them come to GOG eventually but have multiplayer stripped out (ie: Full Spectrum Warrior series) and ended up buying it on a Steam sale somewhere instead and feeling bad about it but at least having multiplayer that works. I'm not real big on buying another copy of something I already own that does work well enough but there is a good chance during a GOG mega promo for me to buy some games I do already own elsewhere if they're heavily discounted enough even if I don't need them - just "because". :)
I do look forward to seeing more Warner Bros titles show up on GOG in the future though which I don't already own, and I'm much more likely to buy them here now since I had previously put Warner on my "never buy" list due to GFWL DRM on some games and other annoying anti-consumer practices. I welcome them here with open wallet though and hope to see them embrace GOG and DRM-free like Disney/Lucasfilm has. I haven't yet splurged on the latter, but a day is coming where I must own the entire Disney/Lucas catalogue here for many reasons, but Warner has a great catalogue too with many irresistable titles in DRM-free context.
Just imagine though, if all the major publishers came here and DRM went the way of the dodo bird in gaming as it has in music distribution. We would be all totally screwed and destitute. We'd have huge virtual game collections and no food. LOL