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Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment comes to

We're on a roll! We're happy to announce that Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment joins the catalog to make the world of DRM-free gaming that much better today. We're starting off with six widely requested titles:

Let's start big:
<span class="bold">Mortal Kombat 1+2+3</span> just got the treatment. If you were having a hard time getting these notorious bits of gaming history to run on your computer, boy do we have a surprise for you!

We're also launching these five heavily requested titles with big, weeklong discounts:

LEGO Batman: The Videogame -50%
LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1 - 4 -60%
LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5 - 7 -60%
F.E.A.R. Platinum -50%
Bastion -60%

It's yet another great start to yet another great publisher debut on, let's get our fill!
BillyMaysFan59: So.... now that we have both Disney and Warner, which publisher should come next?

Vote: (multiple choice allowed)
I think it's about time EA/Activision/Ubisoft brought something again.
Ophelium: Holy crap! I need a change of pants now. Bought all but two (Harry Potter isn't my bag beyond the books).
Maybe you should give them a try. Those two are one of the best Lego games....
yyahoo: Yes, but neither actually own the rights to LOTR. WB right now has a license to make games, but that doesn't mean that they have the ability to negotiate the release of properties from other publishers. That belongs to the actual rights holders of Tolkien's works. I'm sorry, but having both the current publisher and a previous publisher of a licensed property on GOG doesn't put us any closer to getting pulled games back on the market.
Fesin: Yeah, I can't see the Battle for Middle-Earth games ever being sold again. Damn shame, I only played the first one, but it was really, really good.
They're basically abandonware at this point, and I can't see them getting out of that anytime soon.
Wow, you missed out on a great game then! BFME2 is the best of the series. Basically if you play BFME you find things you like about it and a dozen or so things you think they could improve or change about the game to make it 10 times better, then they released BFME2 with all those changes like they read your mind or something. ;oP If you find BFME2 with or without Rise of the Witch King expansion in a bargain bin somewhere, grab it and you wont regret it. :)

I still play it both single and multiplayer (LAN) even though they stupped supporting it ages ago and killed the online MP servers. One of the best games of all time in my books! :)
Great news, although I'll remain sceptical for the time being about where this is going, as most other AAA partnerships have turned out to be a bit of a dead-end. Today we're still waiting for Assassin's Creed 2/3/4/Brotherhood/Revelations, the remaining Splinter Cell games, the Mass Effect trilogy, the Dragon Age trilogy and so on.

Every new AAA publisher that GOG has bagged has as yet failed to produce a single game that has not been DRM-free before. Ubisoft to this day haven't produced a single game that was UPlay-only, EA haven't produced a single game that has been Origin-only, and Disney hasn't produced a single game that has been Steam-only. All of the games that are released on GOG are ones that can be bought used on disc. Their release here is not a commitment to DRM-free - it's a method of discouraging DRM opponents from buying used copies, which I really have no opinion on, but I rather have a DRM-free copy of a game where a used disc copy isn't an option in the first place.

I note also that all of the WBIE titles here have likewise been available DRM-free in the past, and like the other publishers, I suspect that many of these are only here because gamers otherwise have the option of keeping away from the DRM versions by buying used copies of the originals on disc. Also, it's rather odd that GOG should get the inferior DOS versions of the MK trilogy when Steam has the superior Arcade Kollektion (multiplayer be damned - like most MP games, online is long dead anyway).

I'll be impressed when we see FEAR 2 & 3, the Arkham trilogy (although Asylum was technically DRM-free, because it used the offline version of GFWL's protection), MK9 & X, Shadow of Mordor, Gauntlet and Injustice.
Post edited February 12, 2015 by jamyskis
Warner Bros games on GOG <------------------- GET OVER HERE!!!!
BillyMaysFan59: So.... now that we have both Disney and Warner, which publisher should come next?

Vote: (multiple choice allowed)
I'd have to go with Bethesda for the id Software collection and all of Bethesda's RPGs and other high end titles. Just imagine... DRM-free Skyrim... *yeah right* :)
XYCat: no soundtrack for bastion?
IAmSinistar: Those are less common these days, since often the composer/musician sells it separately elsewhere.
Yeah but steam has a soundtrack dlc and an edition including the soundtrack.
XYCat: Yeah but steam has a soundtrack dlc and an edition including the soundtrack.
Ah, if it's a separate edition then perhaps GOG will bring it here later. Or they may not be interested in doing distinct releases for this title, so opted for the more cost-effective one.
Wow! Where did all this come from!? Awesome!
Holy crap! This is amazing! Can't wait for The Suffering.
GoG, you know how to make me poor. ;)

Bought FEAR and Bastion for myself and Lego Harry Potter for my younger sister (is 23 still young? xD) that she has something to play. May be I will try to play them as well. Never played a Lego game. :D
I just bought Bastion and FEAR. I may get Lego Batman soon. Bring on FEAR 2/3 and the Arkham games.
Post edited February 12, 2015 by jalister
Sweet Jesus, GOG, you need to stop this immediately! My wishlist is growing ever so exponentially as weeks go by; first it is Toonstruck and The Void, then you release a multitude of Warner Bros. goodies?! I have to say that the LEGO Harry Potter games don't interest me all that much, but everything else you just released today is downright awesome! Too bad my spending money for games has been exceeded as it is, when I bought Super Time Force Ultra and Völgarr The Viking earlier this month, during the pixel staff picks promo.

Keep it up, kind sirs of GOGdom, just keep it up! Especially since WB is now on board, and the chances we'll get the super amazeballs Batman Arkham games are that much closer to becoming a reality.

Kudos to GOG for closing these great deals, first with Disney/Lucasfilm, and now with WB.
Post edited February 12, 2015 by groze
GOG in the past few weeks you basicly just blown the awesomness scale into pieces. I hope more Lego games will come soon and kudos to you for such great deals. I hope the next Insomnia Sale comes soon ;)
Oh and what about WB movies? :P