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low rated
Surprisingly nobody is talking about this, but the entire source code for Warcraft II, the Dark Saga (the Playstation 1 port of Warcraft 2, essentially identical to the PC release but with minor changes to port to PS1) was leaked online last month. Its apparently up on In the game Source code collection (from what i heard) Does this mean down the line the GOG release can have expanded features like Widescreen?
Given that it was leaked, not released, don't you think it would sour GOG's relationship with Actiblizzard if they started using leaked sourcecode?

Besides, GOG wouldn't do anything to Warcraft II without Actiblizzard asking them to. If they wanted GOG to mod it for widescreen they would have given GOG the source code.
Post edited June 11, 2020 by SirMrFailRomp
I wish there was some kind of unwritten rule to release all code after 15 years. Just imagine all the extra value that could be added without costing the owners a dime. Except that overpriced "remasters" would be redundant, of course.
DadJoke007: I wish there was some kind of unwritten rule to release all code after 15 years. Just imagine all the extra value that could be added without costing the owners a dime. Except that overpriced "remasters" would be redundant, of course.
Interesting idea - It would kill off the laziest remasters but we'd still be likely to get the better ones. Of course, you'd still need to have protections in place over the assets in the games to stop people releasing them for free.
pds41: Of course, you'd still need to have protections in place over the assets in the games to stop people releasing them for free.
Not just assets, but proprietary code bits as well, not to forget (among others, undoubtedly) "Carmack's Reverse".